22nd International Social Pharmacy Workshop (ISPW)
Reaching New Heights: Expanding Pharmacy Practice
Welcome to ISPW 2024!
On behalf of the Planning Committee, we warmly invite you to attend the 22nd International Social Pharmacy Workshop from 7-11 July 2024 at the Banff Centre in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The Universities of Alberta and Saskatchewan are co-hosting the 22nd ISPW.
ISPW is the premier gathering of academics and researchers in social and administrative pharmacy, and these biennial workshops allow delegates to share their expertise and learn from other like-minded colleagues from across the globe.
Over three and a half days, the 22nd ISPW will allow delegates to be inspired by workshops contributed to and led by our peers, learn from plenary speakers, and network and socialize with the international social pharmacy research community. ISPW also provides an ideal platform for research students and early career researchers to showcase their research at an international conference.
The theme for the 22nd ISPW in Banff - Reaching New Heights: Expanding Pharmacy Practice. This theme reflects Alberta's unique practice model where pharmacists can independently prescribe, order lab values, and use shared electronic health records. Welcome to the "Wild West" of pharmacy practice.
In addition to formal activities, delegates also have the opportunity to experience the town of Banff. Flanked on all sides by towering mountains, the townsite is alive with adventure and opportunities to experience wonder. The conference hotel rate is 50% off local hotels and is available for three days before and after the conference.
This website will update with information as it becomes available. If you have any questions or comments, please email us at ispw.2024@gmail.com.
Lisa Guirguis, University of Alberta
Jason Perepelkin, University of Saskatchewan
Karen Farris, University of Michigan
Beth Martin, University of Wisconsin
Jon Schommer, University of Minnesota
Tim Chen, University of Sydney
ISPW 2024 Planning Committee
Lisa Guirguis, University of Alberta
Jason Perepelkin, University of Saskatchewan
Karen Farris, University of Michigan
Beth Martin, University of Wisconsin
Jon Schommer, University of Minnesota
Tim Chen, University of Sydney