Aaron Paquette

Aaron Paquette is a First Nations artist, novelist and speaker. Along with his extensive career in visual arts, he is a Cathedral Stained Glass artist and trained Goldsmith. Since facing a life changing moment on a very tall bridge on a very long night he has been dedicated to the healing journey for himself and any who would benefit from his efforts.

Aaron has shared the stage with former Prime Ministers, National Leaders, and changemakers and has welcomed to his own stage some of Canada's most beloved creators such as Richard Wagamese, David Bouchard and the award winning musical trio ASANI.

Aaron has created numerous large scale murals around the province of Alberta, one example being the Grandin Station LRT piece, "Stations of Reconciliation" installed during the TRC visit in Spring 2014.

He has worked with youth, teachers and all levels of education for the past 15 years.

His Young Adult novel, "Lightfinder" was released by Kegedonce Press in June 2014 and is currently in it's third printing.