Inclusive School Library Collections

Welcome to our website!

This website was created as a resource guide for educators and school librarians who wish to inspire students from grades 1 to 6 with Indigenous Literatures. We support the Indigenization of school library collections because we believe that all children should see themselves and their communities reflected in the books they read.

The children’s books that we’ve selected represent Indigenous authors and illustrators from a diversity of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultures. They depict Indigenous characters that are strong and resilient. but they also offer us a glimpse at their cultural traditions, distinct histories and realities (e.g. Residential Schools) .

On this website, you will find a short essay that explores why the Indigenization of school libraries is urgent, a small selection of Indigenous Literatures (these include picture books for primary readers from Kindergarten to grade three, and chapter books for junior readers from grades four to six), and a list of references for further research on this topic that includes other recommended reading lists.

Image source: Altmann, G. (2018, January 8). Never stop learning [Online image]. Pixabay.

Image source: Binamira, A. (2017, December 27). Four toddlers form a circle. Pixabay.

We hope you enjoy your visit!