Academic members
Okan Bulut - Professor
(PhD, University of Minnesota, 2013)
Research Interests: Educational measurement and psychometrics, focusing on computerized and digital assessments, educational data mining, the use of artificial intelligence and learning analytics to promote student success, and statistical programming using the R programming language.
Lia Daniels - Professor, CRAME Director
(PhD, University of Manitoba, 2009)
Research Interests: impact of classroom assessment on students' motivation and emotion; building assessments to support adaptive student motivation; teachers' beliefs about assessment
Cheryl Poth - Professor
(PhD, Queen's University, 2008)
Research Interests: Classroom assessment; program evaluation; mixed methods research design; research design.
Yuliya Kotelnikova - Assistant Professor
(PhD, Western University, 2017)
Research Interests: Evidence-based measure development, Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Consortium (HiTOP), developmental psychopathology, measurement of temperament and personality, multi-method, multi-informant designs, longitudinal data modeling.
LEgacy Members
Mark J. Gierl - Professor, Canada Research Chair in Educational Measurement
(PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996)
Research Interests: Educational and psychological measurement, focusing on differential item and bundle functioning; cognitively diagnostic assessment; assessment engineering; unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory.
Jacqueline P. Leighton - Professor and Registered Psychologist
(PhD, University of Alberta, 1999; PDF, Yale University, 2001)
Research Interests: Human development and learning, fair assessment practices, student voice, freedom of expression, participation, and higher-order thinking processes.