Publication List (Last updated March, 2023)

We pride ourselves in consistently publishing quality manuscripts. The following list includes all papers published by the Clugston lab since its inception in 2016. To view Dr. Robin Clugston's complete publication history, click here. The names of trainees from the lab are in bold. 


1.  De Campos Zani SC, Wang R, Veida-Silva H, Clugston RD, Yue JTY, Mori MA, Wu J, Chan CB (2023) An egg white-derived peptide (QAMPFRVTEQE ) enhances systemic insulin sensitivity and white adipose tissue insulin signaling leading to modulation of markers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in C57BL/6 obese and insulin resistant mice. Metabolites. 13(2):174. (PMID: 36837793)

2.   Woodman AG, Mah RL, Kinney S, Holody CD, Wiedemeyer AR, Noble RMN, Clugston RD, Bourque SL (2022) Perinatal iron deficiency causes sex-dependent alterations in renal retinoic acid signalling and nephrogenesis. J Nutr Biochem. 112:109227 (PMID: 36435294)

3.   Ferdouse A, Clugston RD* (2022) Pathogenesis of Alcohol-Associated Fatty Liver: Lessons From Transgenic Mice. Front Physiol. 13:940974. (PMID: 35864895) 

4.   Ferdouse A, Agarwal RR, Gao MA, Jiang H, Blaner WS, *Clugston RD (2022) Alcohol induced hepatic retinoid depletion is associated with the induction of multiple retinoid catabolizing cytochrome P450 enzymes. PLoS One. 17(1):e0261675 (PMID: 35030193).

5.   Rocke AW, Clarke TG, Dalmer TRA, McCluskey SA, Rivas JFG, *Clugston RD (2021) Low maternal vitamin A intake increases the incidence of teratogen induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia in mice. Pediatr Res. 2021 Mar 2. doi: 10.1038/s41390-021-01409-6. Online ahead of print (PMID: 33654278)

6.   *Clugston RD (2020) Carotenoids and fatty liver disease: Current knowledge and research gaps. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids. 1865(11):158597. (PMID: 31904420; Invited review)

7.  Trites MJ, Febbraio M, *Clugston RD (2020) Absence of CD36 alters systemic vitamin A homeostasis. Sci Rep. 10(1):20386 (PMID: 33230291)

8.  Trites MJ, *Clugston RD (2019) The role of adipose triglyceride lipase in lipid and glucose homeostasis: lessons from transgenic mice. Lipids Health Dis. 18(1):204 (PMID: 31757217)

9.  Presa N, Clugston RD, Lingrell S, Kelly SE, Merrill AH, Jana S, Kassiri Z, Gomez-Munoz A, Vance DE, Jacobs RL, van der Veen J (2019) Vitamin E alleviates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase deficient mice. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Bas Disease 1865(1):14-25 (PMID: 30300671)

10.  Dalmer TRA, *Clugston RD (2019) Gene ontology enrichment analysis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia-associated genes. Ped Res 85(1):13-19 (PMID: 30287891)

11.  Huang LS, Yuen JY, Trites MJ, Saha A, Epps CT, Hu Y, Kerolle SJ, Lee SA, Jiang H, Goldberg IJ, Blaner WS, *Clugston RD (2018) Dietary macronutrient composition determines the contribution of DGAT1 to alcoholic steatosis. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 42(12):2298-2312 (PMID: 30192394)

12.  Nejatinamini S, Debenham B, Clugston R, Mawani A, Parliament M, Wismer W, Mazurak V (2018) Poor vitamin status is associated with skeletal muscle loss and mucositis in head and neck cancer patients. Nutrients 10(9):1236 (PMID: 30189611)

13.  Farhia F, Rancic V, Zhang W, Clugston RD, Ballanyi K, Gosgnach S (2018) WT1-expressing interneurons regulate left-right alternation during mammalian locomotor activity. J Neurosci 38(25):5666-5676 (PMID: 29789381)

14.  *Clugston RD, Rocke AW (2018) Comment on “Lung and Liver growth and retinoic acid status in human foetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Early Hum Dev 116:93 (PMID: 29239744)

15.  Xie Y, Cifarelli V, Pietka T, Newberry EP, Kennedy SM, Khalifeh-Soltani A, Clugston R, Atabai K, Abumrad NA, Davidson NO (2017) Cd36 knockout mice are protected against lithogenic diet induced gallstones. J Lipid Res 58(8):1692-1701 (PMID: 28634191)

16.  Blaner WS, Gao MA, Jiang HF, Dalmer TRA, Hu XJ, Ginsberg HN, *Clugston RD (2017) Chronic alcohol consumption decreases brown adipose tissue mass and disrupts thermoregulation: a possible role for altered retinoid signalling. Sci Reports 7:43474 (PMID: 28262768)

17.  Blaner WS, Li Y, Brun PJ, Yuen JJ, Lee SA, Clugston RD (2016) Vitamin A absorption, storage and mobilization. Subcell Biochem. 81:95-125. (PMID: 27830502)

18.  Greenlee H, Odgen Gaffney A, Aycinena AC Koch P, Contento I, Karmally W, Richardson JM, Shi Z, Lim E, Tsai W, Santella RM, Blaner WS, Clugston RD, Cremers S, Pollak S, Sirosh I, Crew K, Maurer M, Kalinsky K, Hershman DL (2016) Long-term diet and biomarker changes after a short-term intervention among Hispanic breast cancer survivors:  The ¡Cocinar Para Su Salud! randomized controlled trial. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 25(11):1491-1502 (PMID: 27461049)

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