CTOPP Instructions and Scoring

Download the CTOPP Nonword Repetition Scoresheet

CTOPP Nonword Repetition raw to standard score conversion tables

* Please refer to the outlined Nonword Repetition column of the raw to standard score conversion tables

Ages: All

Instructions from the CTOPP Examiner's Manual: To administer this subtest, the examiner will need an audiocassette recorder* and the "Nonword Repetition" section of the cassette. The examiner sits next to the examinee and reads the instructions from the Profile/Examiner Record Booklet while operating the audiocassette recorder. Testing is discontinued and no score is recorded if the examinee cannot correctly respond to at least one practice item. The ceiling is achieved on this subtest when the examinee misses three items in a raw. Feedback is given the examinee for the practice items and the first three tests items only.

* If you do not have an audiocassette recorder, please read the words to the child.

Say, "I want you to listen to some made-up words on the tape recorder. After you hear each made-up word, I want you to say it exactly as you heard it and as clearly as you can. Even if it's hard to say, give it your best try. Listen carefully because I can't repeat the words. Okay? Let's try some." Play the practice items, pausing after each item so that the examinee can respond, and provide feedback to the examinee. If the examinee responds correctly, say, "That's right. Now try the next word." If the examinee responds incorrectly, say, "That's not quite right. The word was ____." Feedback is given to the examinee for all of the practice items and the first three items on the test. In the case of the first three test items, say, "That's right" for a correct response and "Good try. The word was ____" for an incorrect response. If the examinee asks you to repeat the sounds, say, "I can only play the taped sounds once."

Scoring: The examinee receives 1 point for each nonword for which all of the phonemes are produced correctly. The examine receives a 0 for each nonword that is produced with missing sounds, additional sounds, or sounds out of order. The total score is the number of correct test items up to the ceiling.


Wagner, R., Torgesen, J., and Rashotte, C. (1999). Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing: Examiner's Manual (pp. 28-29). Pearson.