
The boreal forest stands as one of the largest biomes globally, covering 14% of the Earth's surface (Natural Resources Canada 2015; Gauthier et al. 2015). This vast expanse holds significant ecological importance at local, regional, and global scales. Notably, it functions as a crucial reservoir for carbon storage, plays a key role in mitigating climate change, and serves as a habitat for numerous animal species (Lemprière et al. 2013; Bradshaw and Warkentin 2015). Furthermore, boreal forests offer various human benefits, such as a source of food, opportunities for recreation, and a reservoir of medicinal herbs (Uprety et al. 2012; Kujala et al. 2023). It also plays a pivotal role in the global timber market, contributing significantly to the industry. Approximately 33% of the world's timber and 25% of paper exports originate from boreal forests (Gauthier et al. 2015)

Nowadays, natural disturbances and human interventions are crucial components of the boreal forest landscape, with their impacts spanning from as small as square meters (e.g., individual tree falls, selective logging) to several million hectares (e.g., insect outbreaks, widespread wildfires) (Kuuluvainen and Aakala 2011). When natural and anthropogenic disturbances combine, they lead to both spatial and temporal changes in the northern forest range beyond its historical range of variability (Pasher et al. 2013). With the development of oil and gas extraction, the canopy height of the active forest decreases, edge density increases, and patch sizes vary by region (Pickell et al. 2015).

There are 170,558 idle or abandoned oil wells in Alberta as of  2023 (Alberta Energy Regulator 2023).  An abandoned well is a well that has been securely closed and is no longer in active use and an idle well is defined as one not engaged in oil or gas production, fluid injection, or waste disposal for 6 or 12 months (Alberta Energy Regulator 2023). The preparation of oil and gas well sites in Canada's boreal forests necessitates a comprehensive process involving the clearance of trees and vegetation, the leveling of subsurface soils, and the complete removal of surface soil to establish a stable foundation (Lupardus et al. 2019). The cumulative impact of such a large number of abandoned oil wells on the boreal forest ecosystem cannot be underestimated. Compared to the surrounding forests, the reclaimed oil well sites exhibit lower seed counts and predominantly feature understory plants, with a noticeable absence of tall trees (Lupardus et al. 2019). Additionally, the soil is more compact than the surrounding forest, demonstrating lower quality and fertility (Allred et al. 2015; Van Dyke et al. 2022). Moreover, the plant composition in abandoned well sites undergoes heightened instability, potentially facilitating the introduction of invasive species (Bergquist et al. 2007). According to the Reclamation Process and Criteria for Oil and Gas Sites, once the oil well production is completed, the site will be reclaimed, which means the land can sustain different purposes following conservation and restoration efforts, possessing a comparable capacity to its original state before any human activities took place (ARSD 2013). Therefore, under ideal circumstances, abandoned oil well sites can gradually recover through an extended process of secondary succession, eventually resembling the surrounding forest ecosystem (Azeria et al. 2020). And it's important to continue monitoring the trajectory of this succession.

The operating well pad

The key to understanding secondary succession is studying the processes that drive species replacement as forests regenerate (Chua and Potts 2018). One way to understand the dynamics of community assembly during succession is to study the corresponding changes in functional trait composition, which reflect plant strategies and responses to the environment (Pywell et al. 2003; Chieppa et al. 2022). Among them, specific leaf area reflects different strategies of plant growth, which is crucial for understanding how plant communities change during succession. Specific leaf area is leaf area/leaf mass and it determines how much new leaf area to deploy for each unit of biomass produced (Kimball et al. 2002). Species with higher specific leaf area (SLA) values tend to have shorter lifespans, faster growth rates, and higher rates of photosynthesis (Chua and Potts 2018; Gao et al. 2022). Conversely, species with lower SLA values generally have longer lifespans, slower growth rates, lower rates of photosynthesis, and are better adapted to survive in challenging environmental conditions (Chua and Potts 2018; Gao et al. 2022). During succession, species with a higher SLA are usually slowly replaced by species with a lower SLA (Cortez et al. 2007).

Community-weighted mean (CWM) trait values indicate environmentally mediated fitness differences between species with different functional strategies, which reflect the local “optimal” trait strategy for a given regional species pool and site environmental conditions  (Muscarella and Uriarte 2016). Species with trait values closest to CWM values at a given location are predicted to have relatively high fitness (Muscarella and Uriarte 2016). CWM SLA can help to understand the changes in different plants’ SLA on the community level, especially for plant composition, during the succession stage of abandoned wells (Gao et al. 2022).