Participate in a Study

Parents: Do you have a 3 to 5-year-old child? The Alberta Brain and Cognitive Development Lab needs parents and children to study the relationship between parents' childhood experiences, parenting, and children's development!  


For eligibility, the parent-child duo must speak English, have access to a camera-equipped computer, and the child should be typically developing, and be born full-term and normal birthweight (up to 3 weeks before the due date, >2500 g birthweight).   


Eligible families would attend one virtual session for fun, game-like tasks! Parents would complete a few surveys. The expected participation time is approximately one hour, and you will receive compensation for your time.  


To learn more, contact the Alberta Brain & Cognitive Development lab at 780-492-1277 or, or fill out the participation form below if interested. 

(UofA Ethics ID: Pro00126393)