Meet the Team

Kristin Weger, Ph.D.

Director of the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Developing Leaders through Times of Change and Complexity

  • Digitalization , Industry 4.0 and AI Technology Adoption

  • Organizational, Multi-Agency Project Alignment and Policy Deployment

  • Development of Organizational Culture and Coaching

  • Organizational Communication and Daily Management Systems (Lean & Agile)

  • Teamwork and Virtual Teams

Taylor Yeazitzis, B.A.

Lab Manager of the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Organizational Culture and Climate

  • Affordability Culture

  • Deferred Decision Making

  • Biases and Heuristics

  • User Experience & Human Factors

Sheri Leder, B.A.

Research Assistant in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Leadership Styles

  • Group Dynamics

  • Training

  • Communication

Carly Gray, B.A. & B.S.

Research Assistant in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Digitalization, Industry 4.0, and AI Technology Adoption

  • Human-Machine Teaming

  • Leadership and Team Dynamics within Diverse Teams

  • Organizational Transformation

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • User Experience and Human Factors

Barbara Caioli, B.A. & B.F.A

Research Assistant in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Personal Agency

  • Personal Agency in Leadership

  • Leadership Personality

  • Lean Leadership

  • Leader Attributes

  • Emergent Leadership

  • Leadership in Children

  • Leadership Styles

Rileigh Zimmerman

Research Assistant in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Acceptance and Adoption of Autonomous Systems

  • Human Factors Analysis of Job Design

  • Industrial Organizational Psychology

  • Process and Design Improvement

Tiffanie Easley

Research Assistant in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Personality

  • Adoption and Acceptance of Highly Automated Systems

  • Social Psychology - Discrimination Research

  • Quantitative Psychology

  • Psychometrics

Sunny-odio Chinenye

Research Assistant in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Psychology

  • Philosophy

  • English

Megan Danh

Research Assistant in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior Lab


  • Business

  • Computer Science

  • Psychology

LOB Lab Alumni

Raeshaun Jones, M.A.

Lisa Matsuyama, M.A.

Jacob Theut, M.A.

Cassandra Martin, B.A.

Rachel Porter, B.A.

Don Nguyen, B.A.