
Discover a wealth of resources crafted to elevate students' career journeys, from career counseling and educational opportunities to Vermont's workforce development and Flexible Pathways to graduation, plus essential information on workers' rights and more.

Career Development 

Career development is the ongoing acquisition or refinement of skills and knowledge, including job mastery and professional development, coupled with career planning activities.

-University of California Berkeley, Human Resources

List of local community partners and employers looking for student employees

A job search tool with opportunities spanning a variety of nonprofits, social-impact businesses, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives

"Good Food Jobs is a gastro-job search tool, designed to link people looking for meaningful food work with the businesses that need their energy, enthusiasm, and intellect."

Vermont job listings from Seven Days

Vermont Works for Women promotes economic justice by advancing gender equity and supporting women and youth at every stage of their career journeys

LinkedIn is a business and employment-focused social media platform

Resource and supports for Vermont students and jobseekers

Get help paying for college or training in critical job fields seeks to promote and achieve compliance with labor standards to protect and enhance the welfare of the nation's youth workforce

Careers CLiC guides K-12 students through the Continuum of Career Development by connecting schools and employers in our communities.

Career Counseling 

Career counseling is defined as the process of assisting individuals in the development of a life-career with focus on the definition of the worker role and how that role interacts with other life roles.

-National Career Development Association

Why Some of us Don't Have One True Calling- Emilie Wapnick

Finding Purpose in the New World of Work- Pamela Slim

Free test to find out which jobs will suit your interests, talents and aptitude

Free online resource for career and educational tools

US Department of Labor tool for career exploration and job analysis

Harvard Business Review article on building a "career portfolio"

Resource for career exploration, training and jobs

Do a career self-assessment with VSAC and search for careers that match your interests, values, abilities and personality

My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options

The National Career Development Association has worked to collect, organize, curate, and publish online, a listing of free, current, and credible Internet career resources

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military

VSAC live recording offered as part of College and Career Pathways 2021.  Presented by Careers CLIC.

Flexible Pathways

The Flexible Pathways Initiative, created by Act 77 of 2013 and found in statute under 16 V.S.A. § 941, encourages and supports the creativity of school districts as they develop and expand high-quality educational experiences that are an integral part of secondary education in the evolving 21st-century classroom.

-Vermont Agency of Education

Place-Based Education project with the Center for Agricultural Economy and Hazen Union High School

Vermont celebrates 10 years of Act 77: Flexible Pathways with a conference at the State House.  

University HQ is a new resource for exploring career options and linking these to college options and opportunities

Empowering youth and adults to reimagine and transform education together

A grant for high school graduates who are enrolled in a non-degree (non-matriculated) course or program that will improve your ability to get a job or that encourages further study

College and career pathways events and resources for students and parents/caregivers

A collection of articles published by Vermont Digger about Flexible Pathways stories throughout Vermont

An educational space with tech tips, Studio 32, library resources and more

Middlebury College shares a variety of gap year programs and resources for volunteering, international travel, environmental programs and more

Vermont Agency of Education's Transferable Skills rubric 

The Pilot program is a personalized learning program for high school students at U-32 

U-32 Post High School Planning Guide

Post HS Planning Guide.junior year.docx.pdf

WCUUSD Personalized Learning Plans

PLP_Booklet and Checklists (1).pdf

Have a job or resource you would like to share?  Email Liza Semler, Work-Based Learning Coordinator at