East Montpelier Elementary Health Office

Nursing Services - David Mathies, RN MSN

Our certified school nurse, David Mathies, is here every day to provide a variety of health services to students, staff, and the East Montpelier community. Responsibilities of the school nurse include:

  • Providing nursing assessment, treatment, and first aid

  • Administering and monitoring medications taken at school

  • Managing communicable diseases

  • Conducting annual hearing and vision screening

  • Assessing and planning for students with health related concerns which may affect learning

  • Communicating with families regarding health related issues

  • Providing families with health-related resources and referrals

  • Promoting school-wide wellness through health education

You are welcome to call or stop by to discuss any concerns or questions you have about your child's health.

Office hours are Monday - Friday from 8:15- 3:45 pm.

Contact Info: Phone- 802-223-7936 x 304, email- dmathies@u32.org