Fall 2020

November 20th, 2020


Trice - Integrate Oculus controls into VR environment

Shannon - Re-solder fan to Arduino and make sure that it works with analog input and perform test with fan and sensor; Discuss with Andrew to clarify the current circuitry.

Neale - Update GitHub with code and continue to spruce up the website

November 13th, 2020

Shannon - Discuss device with Andrew

Neale - Update website

November 6th, 2020

Trice: Create VR environment as room with scented plants

Shannon: De-solder fan from Arduino

Neale: GitHub - Create a group and integrate the timeline

October 30th, 2020

Neale: Logo created and Var Scent site up and running

October 23rd, 2020

Trice: Interview Dakota to implement VR. (???)

October 16th, 2020

Neale: Research solvents (see Resources tab)

October 9th, 2020

Neale: Reviewed scholarly articles and summarized two most important papers (see Resources)

Shannon: Researched implementation of fan control; plotted sensor results; integrated pump control. (???)

October 2nd, 2020

Trice: Explore next steps to integrate Unity.

September 18th, 2020

Trice: Receives sensor and gets familiar with how it works - Plays with it - Collaborates with Shannon

Shannon: Make progress in some of these areas: Learn how to graph sensor intensity with the Arduino, Gradually vary the speed of the fan, Connect variable speed with (VR) Unity - Collaborates with Trice

September 11th, 2020

Neale: Look into the chemistry of fragrances - what type of molecules make up a particular fragrance - for example of peanut butter, (which is often used in dementia tests) (see Resources)

September 4th, 2020

Shannon: Get up to speed with the project; learn from Akiah how to set up and operate the VARScent device; demo the device to the team next Friday.

Neale: Get up to speed with the project; compile a list of gas and moisture sensors, possibly with a focus on arduino-based sensors.

Trice: Recruit students, particularly during the next few days and connect them with the instructors; explore how to integrate a sensor signal with the device.

September 25th, 2020

Trice and Shannon: Work together on the fan and regulate stuttering and figuring out how the gas sensor works