Products & Performances

Reflection Methods

Journal writing

Students will use their online portfolios to write about each process of creating their podcast. The responses must be at least 150 words. The questions are as follows:

Week1: What is the title of your podcast and how did you and your team come to this conclusion?

Week 2: How did you decide on who you would work with for this project?

Week 3: Was writing the script hard for you as a group? How did you all handle the task? Was there one person designated as the lead or did you all work as a team?

Week 4: How did you decide on the editing and publishing tools you would use for your podcast?

Week 5: Did you enjoy creating your podcast? Would you like to create more podcasts in the future? If so, would you pick the same teammates? Why or why not?

Week 6: Whose podcast was your favorite? Give reasons as to why you chose the podcast.

Group discussions

    • Throughout the process, students will have time to meet and discuss their research, titles, etc.

Whole group discussions

    • Students have whole group discussions about one another's projects. Open-ended discussions and constructive criticism is advised.


    • Students will use Coogle, Mindmeister, or Popplet to brainstorm on the topics of their choice regarding their podcast.
    • Students will also brainstorm with the teacher using the classroom whiteboard and expo markers.

Peer reviews

    • Students will give peer reviews of one another's scripts by leaving comments on Google Docs and Google Slides.

Culminating Activity

Students will respond to the question provided for them on Flipgrid then comment on one another's responses. In the comments section of their response, students must post the link to their podcast.