Entry Event

Windows & Mirrors Entry Event

Share the video above We Can Change the World with students and have them watch the video on their own device.

Hold a quick discussion concerning human rights.

    • What are human rights?
    • What are some examples of human rights?
    • What are some rights that Americans have that others do not?

Instruct students to watch the video one more time with the following tasks in mind:

    1. Find any person in the video.
    2. Pause the video and take a screen shot of that individual.
    3. Answer the following questions about the screenshot you took:
      • Why did you choose this person?
      • What do you find in the picture that serves as a mirror of your own life, reflecting something familiar that you can easily recognize?
      • What do you find in the picture that serves as a window onto another culture or way of living, something that is strange and unfamiliar to you?
      • What do you think is going on here (e.g., is it a working environment? a religious setting?).
      • How is the person(s) feeling?
      • In what ways do you think the person(s) in the picture lives a very different life from you? Has different values? needs? hopes? expectations of life?
      • In what ways do you think the person(s) in the picture is like you? Shares similar values? hopes? needs? Expectations?
      • Is this a complete picture of the way the person lives? What might be missing?
      • Is there any evidence of victimization in this picture? Of privilege? Of discrimination or privilege based on class? gender? Ethnicity?
      • What human rights do you think are most important to the person(s) in the picture? Do you think different rights are most important to you?
      • Are human rights really universal? Do you think the person(s) in the picture wants the same human rights as you do? Do you think the person(s) enjoys the same human rights as you? Why or why not?

Wrap Up:

Credit: Lesson adapted from http://hrlibrary.umn.edu/edumat/hreduseries/hereandnow/Part-3/Activity_10.htm