
Brayan Vazquez

2125 S Stephen Ave. Boise, ID 83706

Phone : (208) 573-5100

Email: brayanvazquez@



I’m a first-generation student trying to create positive and meaningful change for all those around me. As a nationally recognized student engineer, I take all the opportunities given to me as well as give them back to others. When faced with everyday difficulties I wouldn't think outside the box, but instead, destroy the box and rebuild a much more efficient one.


Boise State University

Pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering

Graduation date: 2020

Dennis Dillon Technical Automotive Institute

Obtained Automotive certificate and practicing license 2011-2013


Tech Center Assist, MLD unBound

2015 – Present

unBound is a technology lab and innovation facility for experimentation with emerging technologies. As an extension of the meridian library district, I help offer a variety of events and classes that utilize my familiarity with CAD software for 3D printing and CNC projects to bring community members together and have gained vast customer service experience and professional marketing with downtown meridian

Work U Internship Program, Idaho STEM Action Center

Fall 2019

As part of my internship with the Idaho STEM Action Center, I showcased my great professional attitude and ability to work independently on various projects. I was part of a team that worked on connecting STEM education and industry to ensure Idaho’s long-term economic prosperity.

Undergraduate Student Researcher, Mechanical Adaptations Laboratory

Summer 2018

My studies in Mechanical Adaptations Laboratory are directed towards understanding change in mechanical tissue environment and regulate structural adaptations in cells to control signaling and eventually fate decisions in stem cells. I was able to​ fully publish a research paper and poster, gain professional exposure to an academic research environment and develop critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving and intellectual independence.


Creative Technologies Association (CTA)

Provide students & faculty with a campus-wide network of resources that will allow them to explore & expand their individual and group interests in the field of creative technology through various independently initiated projects.

SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers)

Founded in 1974 by a group of engineers. The objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community. SHPE changes live by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development.