work Examples

In the summer 2018 period I was able to conduct biomedical research in the Mechanical Adaptation Laboratory here at Boise State with Dr. Gunes Uzer. My studies in MAL were directed towards understanding how changes in tissue mechanical environment in relation to exercise, aging and unloading regulate stem cell function.

Here is my research poster on the role of low intensity vibrations in adipocyte inflammatory response.


For the spring 2019 semester the course I want to talk about is ME 112. It is an introduction to the broad field of biomedical engineering. This course that made me survey topics related to medical devices, biomaterials, biomechanics, and bioinstrumentation.

For my final project I have researched in depth a biomedical procedure or technique that I have found a special interest in. My final essay is on The Use of Oreochromis Niloticus Skin Properties to Treat Burn Wounds.

It is because of this essay I have been able to find an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions. The conclusions I have drawn are that the tilapia fish skins found in the brazilian ecosystem have different collagen properties that can be used to treat different degree of burns. I have also identified, formulated, and solved complex engineering concepts by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. I have recognized the level of ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and have made informed judgments, which have considered the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.

Here is a copy of my final report.

final me pres.docx

For the spring 2020 semester I have taken ME 331 also know as fluid mechanics lab. It is an introduction to fluid mechanics experiments, measurements, data acquisition, and data analysis. Main areas of focus are on viscosity, fluid statics, hydraulics, computational fluid dynamics, pipe flow, turbulence, drag, and lift.

I currently have my first lab report finished. It was challenging but rewards and this class will be a milestone for my engineering pursuits. For my final project I need to do a presentation on a fluid mechanic experiment. Presentation will be posted at a later date.

Fluid mechanics helps me understand the behavior of fluid under various forces and at different atmospheric conditions, and to select the proper fluid for various applications.

Here is a copy of my first report.


For the Fall 2020 semester I have taken MSE 312 Mechanical Behavior of Materials. The course is based on the idea of elastic and plastic deformation and fracture in engineering materials, including dislocation theory, alloy hardening and creep deformation, fracture mechanisms, fracture mechanics, toughening of metals, ceramics, and composites, environmentally assisted failure

An example of my work is my problem set #3 which is based on the plastic deformation of metals. This was the chapter I struggled the most with but I am pretty proud of the success I had with this assignment.

Mechanical Behavior of Materials helps me understand the spectrum of mechanical behavior of materials, emphasizing practical engineering methods for testing structural materials to obtain their properties, and predicting their strength and life when used for machines, vehicles, and structures.

Here is a copy of the problem set. The grade I received is 6.7/7
