Purposeful Partnerships

Establish the process and criteria for beneficial partnerships along with measures of impact, including community service, faculty research and collaboration, and student internship and employment opportunities.

"I became involved with TWU's Student Advisory Committee on Technology about three years ago when I read about an opening posted on Blackboard. As a nontraditional student who had been out of college for a long time, I learned quickly that I was behind on knowing about all the wonderful ways technology could make our lives easier. I became obsessed with educating myself about anything that had to do with tech, and was thrilled that TWU offered such a hands-on committee that was student-led so I could learn even more. I'm proud to say that I served as President because I knew the work we were doing was helping fellow students succeed by teaching them about things they should take advantage of, as well as asking their opinions on what they would like to see happen on campus. In fact, being able to share my perspective and be heard—not made to feel inferior—is my favorite aspect of Students ACT, and I'm almost certain that any TWU student would feel the same."

-Natalie Malin, doctoral student in Rhetoric and StudentsACT chair

The Students Advisory Committee for Technology is comprised of student representatives who receive a stipend for the service they provide to their peers. The committee is charged with reviewing proposals related to student technology services; preparing proposals for new or changes to existing services; and collecting feedback from the study body.

Faculty Web Profiles

Web profiles enable the University to extract information from the Sedona CV content databases for display on the website in University templates and layout. The resulting faculty profile web pages will allow for collaboration between TWU faculty and their peers, as well as connections with prospective students.

The Web Services/Faculty Profiles project supported a number of the University's strategic initiatives, including visibility, purposeful partnerships, research culture, and process efficiencies.

"Creating these profiles in this way allows faculty to maintain a current CV and profile their accomplishments in one step. The ability to share current profiles is critical to the goal of elevating the research profile of the University. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), the colleges, and the departments can now provide current and consistent profiles of faculty to help students make decisions about their best choice for graduate schools. In addition, researchers, both at TWU and outside the university, can easily locate collaborators for their projects with a simple key words search. ORSP and the Center for Research Design and Analysis really appreciated the help from IT on this very important project!"

-Dr. Donna Scott Tilley, Vice Provost for Research

26 faculty profiles on go-live, September 10, 2018

3 profile types: research, creative, and teaching

359 visitors to twu.edu/faculty-profiles in its first week