Block Your Show

Once you establish your creative team and have a ground plan of your set in hand, you are ready to begin blocking your production. "Blocking" refers to getting the actors on and off stage and creating specific physical action for each scene that best supports your storytelling.

With pencil in hand, read the script again and determine each character's entrance and exit locations. In most cases you'll have four available to you: Stage Left, Stage Right, House Left and House Right.

"Stage left" and "stage right" are from the actors' perspective on stage. "House left" and "house right" are from your perspective in the audience. Many auditoriums have house doors or aisles that can be used in performance.

As you imagine each character's entrances and exits, work quickly and don't worry about getting it perfect at this point. You can always change your mind - that's why you're using a pencil. During the rehearsal process, you will add blocking details and nuances one layer at a time until the show is completely staged. Any issues will become obvious and can be adjusted on the spot as needed.