Classes 6, 7, 8

SunRidge Middle School Challenge
How many TABATA minutes can we do? GOAL: 24 Hours (1440 minutes)!

Total since April/May:
1120 mins !

Log Your Tabata minutes HERE

Hard to get motivated?

Sometimes we can get stuck with personal goals. Read right for a way to move through this standstill.

Get motivated.pdf

PREP: S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Goal Setting is so important to achievement. Do it right with SMART Goals. I use the basketball ballhandling as an example (looking at you, Ava, Aria, Eli G., Leora, Aloe, Tara, Zari !)

Want to play basketball next year? Everyone needs to be a good dribbler.

See how I took ballhandling and gave it some SMART goals. You can use this...

Or design your own using this template.

PREP for Greatness

It's important to get inspired for this project. What have you always wanted to learn how to do with your body? Now is the best time to start.

You can create a plan. For disc golf putting, on M/W/F I'm doing the "Perfect Putt 360" challenge, which uses a phone app to track my score. It's a sort of a game, and applies just enough pressure for me to focus on my skills. I've also watched some youtube videos of the pros explaining putting technique and have studied their form. Each time I do the PP360 I try to improve my score. That is making my goals and improvement specific and measurable.

What do you want to get better at?

Personal Record Excellence Project (PREP)

Personal Record
Excellence Project [PREP]

Want to master something? Let's do it together - I'm working on my disc golf putting, what will you do? <--- Click left to get the details, and then down below once you want to report in.


For Valkyries and Vikings (et al)

Practicing basketball ballhandling in the offseason will keep your skills sharp, and could be your PREP Project. Just set goals that are SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

For solo volleyball skill improvement (could be your PREP project):

Try a tabata workout

The format is 4 minutes of exercise: 20 seconds activity, 10 second rest. 8 activities total.

See the example to the right. ------>

Setup a Tabata Zoom class with your classmates and friends. Do 3 rounds of the exercises with a 1 min rest between. [15 mins]

Here's a tremendous resource

If you have a 3/4" x 36+' dowel - in the Waldorf movement world we call them "staves" or "rods" - you can partake in the following exercises. These videos were created at a workshop I attended years back, and led by fellow Waldorf Movement Teachers. Go here.

Backyard Parkour - Balance!

Here are some precision jumps with homemade obstacles. If you have some leftover wood lying around, it's a good woodworking and movement project! Design your own moves, like this guy did.

Backyard Parkour

Check the video link to make a backyard parkour course. He focused on making sturdy wood-based platform landing areas for precision jumping. I don't recommend using pressure-treated wood, as it has harmful chemicals you don't want to handle with your hands.

Disc Golf in your Yard!

Use a can lid, CD, or mini-disc and a couple of shipping boxes or baskets. The pros use these (the black one in the corner.)

Set a par (the # of throws you imagine it would take to get the disc into the box) and then go for it. We had 3 for most of our holes, but some were 4 or 5.

Set 9 tees (where you throw from), including uphill/downhill, trees in the way, etc for added fun and challenge.

Use a box or basket as your goal. You could set them up in the neighborhood too, and make a map. Challenge your siblings and parents. Make a scorecard and improve on your score daily.


Cardio and Core Strength Workout (Monday)


Leg Strengthening (Tuesday)


Upper Body workout (Wednesday)


Leg Strengthening (Thursday)

These are workouts - but if you want to pick an entire program for the rest of the school year (30-60 days) then go to Pick a Program and scroll down. There are some roleplaying fitness story workouts that are awesome, such as the Hero's Journey.