Yarn Scarecrow

The first steps are simalar to the yarn ghost. Materials are: yarn, cardboard rectangle, scissors, & a chopstick

Begin to wrap the yarn on the long side of the cardboard rectangle.

Keep going until you have used all the yarn.

Cut lengths off the end:

One - 12 inches

Six - 6 inches each

Slide the 12 inch piece between the yarn and the cardboard. Bring it to the top of the board.

Tie a knot at the top, as tight as possible.

Slide yarn off of cardboard piece.

Cut the bottom of the yarn loops.

Seperate out two arms and tie off the wrists. Trim extra yarn to make hands.

Tie waist. Seperate legs and tie off the ankles. Trim for feet if needed.

Insirt chop stick through waist and neck ties.

Flip to the front.

Find a spot for your cute scarecrow to live.

(The tie at the top of the head can be used as a hanger if you would prefer.)