Becca Bohannan's 5th & 6th grade

Parent Conferences will be held on April 6th. Notices will go home with your child on Monday, March 26th. Watch for them! Also, if you just cannot make your conference time and need to reschedule please email me at to reschedule. I am looking forward to seeing everyone!

Our class voted to be known as the Catamounts, a noble creature that once roamed Vermont and may do so once again.

Here you will find news from your child's home classroom and information about upcoming events. The latest news will always appear first. You may scroll down to see earlier posts.

January 7, 2018

During our short week we introduced our new Social Studies and writing focus for the next two months. We have started a unit called Humans Migrating Home. We will study the history of immigration to our own country while also looking at why humans migrate and how migrations of humans affect societies.

Homework Assignment: To support our study of human migration we have asked the children to talk to their parents, grandparents, etc. to find out where their own families immigrated from, when they came to the US, and why they came. We will be putting together a display of the information we gather in the hallway outside our classroom. We teachers will also be included. We will use our information for analysis of broad trends in immigration. We understand your child's information may be incomplete. But whatever you can provide them will be useful.

Writing Assignment: Students have started an informational writing piece on a country. Their research will support them in May when we do a model United Nations. They will be representing the country they are now studying at our model UN. I am attaching the assignment to this site in another page. (Click "More" above.)The work for this assignment should be accomplished in class though a few students may choose to work on it at home some.

January 2, 2018

Just before our holiday break we completed our Earth Science unit on Plate Tectonics. Students researched and did projects to demonstrate their learning. The 5/6 classes viewed each other's projects. You can see some of ours here.

December 3, 2017

This Thursday, December 7th is an early release day. We will be reading favorite holiday stories to our little pals, Celebrating at our Rock Stars assembly, and enjoying our first PBIS celebration with an offering of a variety of activities.

Reading to PBIS Pals

Kite flying in late September!

Brainstorming in Social Studies.

October 29, 2017

Our field trip to Rock of Ages, the granite quarry, and to Hope Cemetery (for a respectful scavenger hunt) is Monday. We will be gone all day, so please send a sack lunch if your child brings their lunch to school. Also, it looks like rain, so rain gear will likely be needed.

Parent conferences are coming up on November 10th. A notice went home with your child last week. Please return your RSVP. If your time does not work, let me know and we can schedule another time and/or date. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you.

September 10, 2017

Our Catamounts are off to a roaring start. We are getting to know each other and developing ways of working collaboratively. We have created a Catamount Contract of expectations for our community's behaviors. We have developed norms for reading and math classes. We are building our reading stamina and learning ways to meaningfully respond to our reading. We have begun our first unit of study called Humans on Earth-a geography, economics, & civics unit.