Fine Arts



Beginning Band

Grades: 6-12 Length/Credits: Full Year (1.0 credit)

If students have never played an instrument, or are looking to learn a new instrument, this band is for them! All HS and MS students are welcome to join. Students learn the fundamentals of music making and music reading through performance of diverse repertoire, composition, and improvisation. Small group pull out lessons occur about 2 times per month for all Beginning Band members. There are 3 required concerts throughout the year. Band is a yearlong class and students must commit to it for the entire year. Come experience the magic of music making!

Symphonic Band

Grades: 6-12 Length/Credits: Full Year (1.0 credit)

This ensemble is for more advanced HS or MS players, or students with 2+ years of experience on their instrument. We begin to refine our individual skills and deepen our understanding of ensemble performance through challenging and diverse repertoire. Students continue to explore the fundamentals of music theory, improvisation, and composition. Small group pull out lessons will be required of middle school students only. There are 3 required concerts throughout the year. Symphonic Band Members also have the opportunity to participate in the TCA Pep Band at basketball and volleyball games throughout the season. Band is a yearlong class and students must commit to it for the entire year. Come flex your musical muscles!

Concert Band

Grades: 6-12 Length/Credits: Full Year (1.0 credit)

This is the top performing band at TCA, open to advanced HS or MS players with 2+ years of experience. Concert Band Members apply their skills to challenging and diverse repertoire. Students continue to explore the fundamentals of music theory, improvisation, and composition. Small group pull out lessons will be required of middle school students only. There are 3 required concerts throughout the year. Concert Band Members also have the opportunity to participate in the TCA Pep Band at basketball and volleyball games throughout the season. Band is a yearlong class and students must commit to it for the entire year. Come showcase your musical talent!

Beginner Orchestra 1

Grades: 6-12 Length/Credits: 1st Semester (0.5 credits)

This level of Orchestra is for new musicians! If you are interested in learning a stringed instrument like Violin, Viola, Cello or Bass, this is the course for you. Advanced string players are also welcome to enroll in the class with the understanding that your role will be to support our beginners. Throughout this course, students will learn the basics of holding their instrument, using the bow, and fundamental rhythms and notes to be successful in the Intermediate level of Orchestra.

Intermediate Orchestra 2

Grades: 6-12 Length/Credits: 2nd Semester (0.5 credits)

This level of Orchestra is for string players with 1+ years of experience! This will be a continuation of Orchestra 1, and will be offered in 2nd semester. We will continue our playing journey by taking on more challenging bowing styles, rhythms, and melodies! 


Acting for the Stage

Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits)

This is a medium-level course on acting theory and practice. Students learn how to use their bodies, voices, and imaginations to become a strong, multifaceted character. Students act individually, in pairs, and in groups. Previous enrollment in Theatre Arts is a plus.

Comic Book & Manga History

Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits)

This class will explore comic book history, from the origins in the early 1900's, to the explosion of popularity of Manga and its TV adaptations in the 1900's. We will explore the origins of the art forms, notable moments and creators, and the writing/drawing/illustration processes.

Creative Arts and Technology

Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits)

This class is an introduction to exploring creative arts through technology that goes beyond traditional mediums. Students will express their perspectives within aesthetic, cultural, and historical contexts through digital arts and interactive media. Possible projects include: creating digital collages, web design, blogging, stop motion animation, curating a focused social media platform, and/or beginning video game design.


Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits)

This is a choreography-based workshop class. Students will be choreographing their own pieces - not learning steps. The focus is on cultivating creativity, and building the foundation for the understanding of what dance is and why we do it.

Music of Today

Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits)

This course is designed to supply students with foundational skills in music performing, analysis, and production. We analyze popular modern music, learn to write our own songs using electronic music software, jam with junkyard percussion instruments, and examine the social, cultural, and political impact music can have on society and that our society can have on music. No prior musical experience is necessary. Some of the material we cover is determined by class interests. Students should be prepared to share and discuss their interests, as well as being accepting of the interests of their classmates!

Music Production

Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits) Prerequisite: Music of Today

This is a project based class with a focus on digital music production and mixing of live recordings. We will explore DAWS like Garageband, Soundtrap, and BandLab. We will also discuss the recording process, and different career paths within the music industry. Students should be interested in creating and editing their own music, as well as analyzing modern styles of music. Music of Today is a recommended prerequisite for this course. 

Studio Art

Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits) Prerequisite: Survey of Art

This class develops skills in 2-D and 3-D design using a variety of media including: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, and Ceramics. Upon completion students are able to demonstrate a wide range of art techniques and a better understanding of their own personal art style. A sketchbook is required for this class.

Survey of Art

Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits)

This class is an introduction to art. The development of art forms from ancient times to present day are explored with corresponding studio projects accompanying each unit. Upon completion students are able to demonstrate a historical understanding of art as a product reflective of human social development. A sketchbook is required for this class.

Theatre Arts

Grades: 9-12 Length/Credits: One Semester (0.5 credits)

This is an overall exploration of what theatre is and the impact it has on the arts and society. Students will explore history, acting and design within the world of the stage.



Beginning Band

Grades: 6-12 Length: Full Year

If students have never played an instrument, or are looking to learn a new instrument, this band is for them! All HS and MS students are welcome to join. Students learn the fundamentals of music making and music reading through performance of diverse repertoire, composition, and improvisation. Small group pull out lessons occur about 2 times per month for all Beginning Band members. There are 3 required concerts throughout the year. Band is a yearlong class and students must commit to it for the entire year. Come experience the magic of music making!

Symphonic Band

Grades: 6-12 Length: Full Year

This ensemble is for more advanced HS or MS players, or students with 2+ years of experience on their instrument. We begin to refine our individual skills and deepen our understanding of ensemble performance through challenging and diverse repertoire. Students continue to explore the fundamentals of music theory, improvisation, and composition. Small group pull out lessons will be required of middle school students only. There are 3 required concerts throughout the year. Symphonic Band Members also have the opportunity to participate in the TCA Pep Band at basketball and volleyball games throughout the season. Band is a yearlong class and students must commit to it for the entire year. Come flex your musical muscles!

Concert Band

Grades: 6-12 Length: Full Year 

This is the top performing band at TCA, open to advanced HS or MS players with 2+ years of experience. Concert Band Members apply their skills to challenging and diverse repertoire. Students continue to explore the fundamentals of music theory, improvisation, and composition. Small group pull out lessons will be required of middle school students only. There are 3 required concerts throughout the year. Concert Band Members also have the opportunity to participate in the TCA Pep Band at basketball and volleyball games throughout the season. Band is a yearlong class and students must commit to it for the entire year. Come showcase your musical talent!

Beginner Orchestra 1

Grades: 6-12 Length: 1st Semester

This level of Orchestra is for new musicians! If you are interested in learning a stringed instrument like Violin, Viola, Cello or Bass, this is the course for you. Advanced string players are also welcome to enroll in the class with the understanding that your role will be to support our beginners. Throughout this course, students will learn the basics of holding their instrument, using the bow, and fundamental rhythms and notes to be successful in the Intermediate level of Orchestra.

Intermediate Orchestra 2

Grades: 6-12 Length: 2nd Semester

This level of Orchestra is for string players with 1+ years of experience! This will be a continuation of Orchestra 1, and will be offered in 2nd semester. We will continue our playing journey by taking on more challenging bowing styles, rhythms, and melodies! 


Acting MS

Grades: 6-8 Length: One Semester

This is an introductory course on acting theory and practice. Students learn how to use their bodies, voices, and imaginations to become a strong, multifaceted character. Students act individually, in pairs, and in groups.

MS Art

Grades: 6-8 Length: One Semester

MS Art is designed to teach creative problem-solving, art appreciation, collaboration with peers, and art techniques using a variety of media. A combination of 2-D and 3-D art projects will be created. A sketchbook is required for this class.