Grading and Standards

​Grading Standards for 5th Grade

Our goal is to ensure that all students meet or exceed the standards.

Students are evaluated on their understanding and application of grade level concepts, skills, and strategies in the Pennsylvania content standards.

4 = Performs consistently beyond grade level standards. Demonstrates superior understanding of concepts, skills, and strategies. Applies learning to other subject areas and life situations. Independently explores ideas and topics.

3 = Solid understanding of grade level standards. Completes tasks independently. Applies learning to other subject areas.

2 = Some understanding of grade level standards. Demonstrates some understanding of concepts, skills, and strategies. Requires extra time, instruction, assistance, and/or practice.

1 = Minimal understanding of grade level standards. Demonstrates minimal understanding of key concepts, skills, and strategies. Requires an extended amount of time, instruction, assistance, and/or practice.

How to Earn a 4​

As educators and parents, we always want to help children not only attain their best, but also ensure they are striving for their best at all times. Therefore, it is important that both you, the parent, and your child understand how to attain a 4.

It might help to understand what types of words describe one performance of a student who receives a 4.

* Exemplary

* Outstanding

* Above expectations

* Exceeding the targeted grade level skills

Students who receive a 4 on a certain skills have demonstrated higher order thinking and problem solving. Teachers utilize the following characteristics to evaluate whether or not a student has earned a 4.

* Grasps, applies, and extends the key concepts, processes the skills for grade level independently and with relative ease.

* Displays a higher level of thinking and understanding

* Communicates understanding effectively and thoroughly

* Consistently meets and, at times, exceeds the requirements

I = Incomplete or Insufficient Evidence – The student has incomplete assignments or there is insufficient evidence of achieving the reported standard.


Additionally, students will be evaluated on the following learning behaviors: respects others and property, works collaboratively with others, preparedness, and completion of assignments as follows:

AL = Always (4)

US = Usually (3)

SO = Sometimes (2)

RA = Rarely (1)