Special Education

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Special Education

Special education provides support and services to the unique needs of students with disabilities so that these students can access the curriculum and make continuous progress toward meeting State Standards and curricular goals.


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) provides for a free appropriate public education for all individuals with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21. In keeping with the vision of the Tuslaw Local Schools, delivering quality education that meets the needs of all learners, individual needs are considered when determining the appropriate educational services for each student. The level of need of the student determines the services.

504 Evaluations and Plans

Section 504 is a federal law of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination against individuals with a disability in any program receiving federal assistance.  Under this act, the school district must identify, evaluate, and if the child has a current disability and is termed to be eligible under Section 504, to afford access to appropriate educational programs. Section 504 defines a person with a disability as anyone who has a "mental or physical impairment which substantially limits a "...major life function." A major life function includes activities such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working.

Child Find Search For Children With Disabilities 

School districts throughout Ohio are participating in an effort to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities, birth through age 21. For children birth through age two, a disability means that a child has a delay in one or more of the following developmental areas: adaptive behavior, communication, physical development, sensory development, and/or social or emotional development. 

For children ages three through five, a disability means that a child has a documented deficit in one or more of the following developmental areas: communication skills, hearing abilities, motor functioning, social-emotional/behavior functioning, or vision abilities. 

For school-aged students, a disability means a person having one or more conditions such as an intellectual disability, a hearing impairment, a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment, an emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, a specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, a developmental delay (for a child between the ages of three and nine) or multiple disabilities, and who due to the condition needs special education and related services.

If you know of a child whom you think may have a disability, please contact the District Office at (330)837-7813.

Preschool Continuum of Services