
Need Resources to Help Students With Research?

Login to ProQuest Research Companion for information on how to find, evaluate, and use information for research papers or projects. Have access to how-to-videos, source evaluation aid, and a revision aid. The first time you access the database copy and past the username: HQN4JF2RDD and Password – 9JF^@Kf5. The next time you login it should take you directly to the site.

TUHS Library Calendar

Follett Destiny Library Management System:

The TUHS Library uses the Follett Destiny to manage the library resources. Destiny can be access from anywhere at anytime, making it the perfect system to connect the classroom, library, and the community.

The following presentation will assist anyone in learning the fundamentals necessary to run the library on a daily basis such as book check out and in and catalog searches. To access the presentation simply click on the link below. See Mrs. Colvin in the library for more information or call 686-4761, ext. 2220

Google Classroom's For Teachers

Google Classroom's purpose is to facilitate paperless communication between teachers and students and streamline educational workflow. Classroom allows teachers to create classes, post assignments, organize folders, and view work in real-time.

Click on the "Google Classroom For Teachers" link above to access the presentation that will instruct teachers on how to get started using Google Classroom.

For more information contact Mrs. Colvin in the library or call 686-4761, ext. 2220.