Medieval Theatre History

5th Century to 15th Century Europe A.D.


Miracle and Mystery Plays- A theatrical representation of The Bible presented by the church.

Passion Plays- Dramatic performance conveying a deep passion for Christ.

Guilds- Tradesmen that took over certain plays and performed them.

Cycle- Sequence of acts that lasted for days, promoted dedication to God.

Morality Play- The protagonist is typically faced with a chalice, good or evil.

Masques- Music, dancing, and acting with elaborate stage design.

Mansions- Performance space.

Hell Mouth- area of the stage used to consume sinners.

Pageant Wagon- small portable stage.

Cultural Backgrounds & Influences

  • Theatre was banned for mocking Christianity; churches later reintroduced theatre to convey messages from religious stories
  • Most people that performed during this period were amateurs (I.e Jugglers, dancers, musicians...)
  • Play themes mostly centralized on ideals from the bible, such as choosing good over evil, and the importance of God.

Popular Plays (Styles and Themes)

The Second Shepard's Play- Absurd humor mystery play about Christ's birth

Everyman- Centers on the idea of life after death (Morality Play)