Elizabethan Theatre History

Globe Theatre

The Globe theatre is a place where Shakespeare worked and wrote in, it is is located in London and continued staging plays until 1644, the first play to be preformed there was Julius Caesar. Mostly only Shakespearean plays we're preformed there. Historians call this era "the golden age"


it is at the base of the theatre and for a penny people that were called grondlings would stand to watch the show.


What represented as clouds was symbolic for the actors because it casted a large shadow over the audience, also gave actors the actors a shelter to change for bad weather


the tiring house, is a place backstage where they would change there appearance


musicians gallery is the 2nd floor of the theatre the people who would sit there were "gentry" social class these were the gentlemans and gentlewomen who did not work with their hands. They were very important solid citizens.


small house with scenery set

in Shakespearean day typically men would take the role as females. Women actually were not allowed to act on the Globe Theatre till the 1600s because they did not consider it a credible profession.

Men had to play women roles with a high pitch voice to make the audience believe they were female. Actors who preformed at The Globe got paid two shillings which is about 2.57 in the US.


No one really knows much about Shakespeare's personal life, so we do not know what religion he practiced. However most of Shakespeare's audiences were familiar with the bible and Christianity.


He did in fact refer to politics and religion in his play called the Twelfth Night, the character Malvolio made fun of the Puritan life style. The most common religion during this era was Catholic, Protestant. Protestant originated from Christianity and is still practiced today mostly in European country's

Blank verse

Most often associated with Shakespeare rhythmic pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables, and there is no rhyme.


The quality of being amusing or comic


Air and blood


Bad tempered; or irritable

Christopher Marlowe

he was playwright, poet, and a translator. He was far most the tragedian of the Elizabethan era. He also was the one who introduced Blank Verse

Ben Johnson

He was a playwright, poet actor, and literary critic. He popularized stage comedy

William Shakespeare

An English poet, playwright, and actor. Regarded as the "greatest writer in the English language. he was the greatest dramatist