Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural 

At Tuckswood Academy and Nursery we recognise that social, moral, social and cultural development is central to the education of our children and it therefore forms an integral part of the whole curriculum and ethos of the school. 

The value we place on this is reflected in the provision of teaching, resources and learning environments and in the behaviours of individuals and their interactions with each other. 

SMSC development is taught through the curriculum and all aspects of school life. Assemblies are planned across the year to cover aspects of SMSC.

Our children are provided with opportunities to gain knowledge and understanding and to develop the skills they need to participate fully in the diverse community in which they live.

Social development

We develop our children’s social skills in relation to others beginning with family and friends and extending to the wider community and beyond. Children are taught to respect each other and to appreciate each others’ similarities and differences. We develop a respect for the environments in which children live and an understanding of the world so that we can be successful in the future. 

Moral development

We teach the skills they need to develop an understanding of what is right and wrong. Children learn to make choices in their behaviour through developing their knowledge of boundaries and consequences. 

Spiritual development

Children develop a knowledge and understanding of their own and different beliefs, opinions and cultures. They explore their feelings and emotions and develop their sense of personality, individuality and uniqueness. 

Cultural development

We explore values, beliefs, customs, stories, food and artefacts to allow children to make comparisons and develop knowledge of other cultures. 

SMSC in action at Tuckswood Academy and Nursery 





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