Te Marautanga o Tūranga Tangata Rite – the curriculum, is based on seven key focus areas:

  • Mana Mokopuna - placing the learner at the heart

  • Mana Wairua - spiritual and holistic well-being

  • Mana Tangata - recognising that relationships are critical to effective practice

  • Mana Reo - the preservation of te reo Māori

  • Mana Tikanga - Tūranganui a Kiwa customs and protocols

  • Mana Mātauranga o Tūranganui a Kiwa - discourses and knowledge

  • Mana a Kura - the uniqueness of the kura

Based on these key areas,

Threading through and alongside the STEAM programme is the Matauranga ā Iwi curriculum which furthers knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the matauranga and tikanga of the iwi and hapū of Tūranganui a Kiwa: Te Reo o Tūranga, Ngā Tikanga o Tūranga and Tūranga leadership.

Tūranga Tangata Rite delivers what is termed the STEAM programme incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. This approach provides pathways that strengthen links between subjects and include a range of project- based learning experiences which encourage tauira to be innovative and creative as they work to solve real world problems.

Every day, the Tumuaki and the kaiako work from their commitment to a tauira-centric focus, nurturing taha hinengaro, taha tinana, taha whānau, taha wairua, taha whatumanawa.