Covid Re-Entry Plan Sept 2020

Many Horses High School Re-Entry Plan 2020-21

This plan is intended as a guide for families as students transition back to school for the 2020-2021 school year in a time of COVID-19. We appreciate there is a lot of information in this document. “Your Big Questions” section of the document has information in this plan. Please note that staff will walk students through the key aspects of this plan that are most important for their safety and how to navigate their classes. This is a living document that will be updated as more information is received from Alberta Education and therefore this document should be used digitally, rather than in hard copy form. This is a MHHS specific document with details for our school operations and is intended as a supplement to the “Tsuut’ina Education COVID19 Risk Mitigation Guidelines”

There are three guiding principles for the reopening of schools by Alberta Education (July 21, 2020). These principles are:

  1. Put measures in place to protect against exposure.

  2. Plan to deal with symptomatic individuals.

  3. Put a hygiene plan in place.

The creation and any modifications to the MHHS Back to School Plan will align with the Tsuut’ina Education COVID 19 Risk Mitigation Guidelines in accordance with direction given to schools by Health Canada. The goal of re-entry scenarios for schools is built on the rationale of trying to achieve a balance between the following tensions/factors:

  • To attend school - the importance of education and the other supports for students and families that school provides.

  • To minimize transmission - we cannot eliminate it.

  • To contain spreads.

  • To protect those at highest risk.

The return to in-class learning is not without risk of infection transmission. By bringing many people together in a closed setting such as a school, there is a realization that cases and even outbreaks of COVID-19 will occur in some locations within Alberta. Public health officials will be monitoring the situation closely and will be ready with a plan that enables a rapid response to cases of COVID-19 in schools.

If a student is ill, teachers will support the student to work from home as per typical practices when a student is ill and must remain at home, but is still able to complete school work. If parents choose to keep their child/ren at home for reasons of safety related to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning will be provided. For students in Grades 10 - 12, students will have the opportunity to attend their classes on line should families wish to select an at home learning option.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions/concerns. Better days will return. In the interim, we will continue to work together to keep our students safe, ensure they meet their learner outcomes and find joy in their time at school.

Jeff and Marcus

Your Big Questions

When is the first day of school for the 2020 - 2021 school year?

The first day of school is September 14. Cohort B is September 16.

What will their school day look like?

Grade 10-12’s will have an assigned home room and will stay with their cohort each day. Students will leave this room with students from their cohort for options/gym classes. We will follow a Quarter System. They will take 2 classes per day plus Tsuut’ina Langage; a class in the morning and a class in the afternoon. The first class will be from 8:30-11:00 am. Lunch is from 11:00 am – 11:30 am. The second class of the day will be from 11:30-2:00. Teachers will provide movement breaks for students throughout the day.

Block 1 8:30-9:45 75 Minutes

Block 2 9:45-11:00 75 Minutes

Lunch 11-11:30 (two staggered times)

Block 3 11:30-12:45 75 Minutes

Block 4 12:45-2 75 Minutes

In a Quarter System a student would only take two courses at a time rather than in a Semester system in which students take four courses at a time. At the end of each quarter, students will have final assessments.

Tsuut’ina language will be taught from September to June for the whole school year for part of Block 3 for Grades 10 and 11. Block 1 for Grade 12’s.

What is a Quarter System?

We have redesigned our schedule to enable students to take courses during every quarter of the school year. Under our new schedule, students will take two classes (courses) each quarter, one in the morning and one in the afternoon plus Tsuut’ina language. This will mean that students will have the same number of total courses a year as in the Semester System, but will have fewer interactions on a daily basis. Our Quarter System has been scheduled as follows:

Q1 Sept 14-November 13, 2020

Q2 Nov 16- Jan 29 2021

Q3 Feb 1-April 20, 2021

Q4 April 21-June 28, 2021

What kind protections are in place for students, while they are in school?

Based on Alberta Health directives, our school has taken initiatives in order to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. This re-entry plan outlines the protocols and procedures that we have put in place to reduce the risk of transmission. On the first day of school, students will be guided through this document to ensure that our protocols are understood and followed.

How will the school be sanitized daily?

Measures have been put into place to regularly disinfect our school and to support student hygiene practices.

If I have elected to send my student to school, can I change my mind and select home learning.

To begin the school year, parents will complete a district form that outlines their choice around in-school versus home education. Students that have elected to learn from home will do so for the remainder of the quarter. Throughout the school year, families are welcome to contact the school to initiate home learning.

Who is allowed in the school?

In order to maintain a closed campus and limit the spread of infectious diseases, visitation at Many Horses High School is limited.

First Day of School (September 14 for Cohort A and September 16 for Cohort B)

The first day of school will be used to welcome students to MHHS and to teach them protocols that follow Alberta Health best practices. These protocols have been put into place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Throughout the school day we need everyone at MHHS to work together to maximize the effectiveness of the initiatives that are outlined in this plan. This first day will be an important time for students to learn and understand how to minimize interactions that occur as we return to school in a live setting. Students that have elected to learn through home learning will be provided a link to participate in this important session virtually.

o Students will attend their homeroom for their cohort and go over the plan with their cohort teacher.

o Students will be greeted at the front of the school by the school staff.

o Students must wear masks upon arrival to the school. If students arrive without a mask, a staff member will provide them with a mask.

o Staff will direct students to their classroom.

o Students’ teachers will (at minimum) instruct students on:

§ Proper hand hygiene

§ Respiratory etiquette

§ Proper use of masks

§ Proper use of hand sanitizer

§ How to maintain physical distancing

§ Illness protocol – Self Screening Checklist

§ Student arrival/departure protocols.

§ Movement about the building (e.g. washroom protocol, movement breaks, lunch breaks).

§ Review of student timetables

§ Review of student handbook

§ Review the process for walking in the hallways such as “rules of the road”

§ Students to be given PPE (Protective Personal Equipment)

§ Seating plans will be created

General Building Safety

While at school, it is important that students practice good hygiene, socially distance and minimize the number and duration of interactions that they have throughout the day. We have designed a schedule that cohorts students into learning groups by course. In order to maintain these learning cohorts students are expected to go directly to their cohorted classrooms when they come to school. The following protocols have been put into place to support these initiatives:

Entering and exiting the building


    • Students will enter the building through designated doors beginning at 8:10 am daily. This entrance will be assigned on the first day of school by your cohort’s teacher.

    • Parents must wait outside the school to drop off and pick up their students.

    • Students will go directly to their designated classroom and must remain with their cohort at all times.

    • Regardless of the manner of transportation students use to come and go from the school students must wear masks.

    • Staff will open school entrances at 8:10 am and will be locked at the start of classes. Students arriving late will enter MHHS through the main entrance and check in at the main office.

    • All school doors will be locked throughout the school day.

    • When multiple buses arrive at a school, the drivers will stagger the release of students from their buses to control the number of students entering the school at one time.


o Staff will dismiss students by cohort on a staggered basis at the end of the school day and will exit the building through their designated doors to board buses or to leave for home.

o Students and all other non-staff will leave immediately after school so that cleaning can begin as soon as possible.

General hygiene protocols

    • Hand sanitizers have been placed in high traffic areas for student use; by bathrooms and hallway junctures. Numerous washrooms will also be available for hand washing.

    • Each student and staff member will have access to a personal sanitizer bottle.

    • Sanitization posters are posted at all entrances, all classroom doors, and all common areas.

    • Students demonstrating COVID-19 symptoms will wait in a location in or adjacent to the main office for pick up by parents. Depending upon the students’ condition students may be placed in our isolated first aid room until parents arrive. Parents must follow the protocols outlined in the Tsuut’ina Education COVID 19 Risk Mitigation Guidelines

    • MHHS staff will sanitize all areas where sick students/staff have symptoms with which they have been in contact with once the individual has left the school.

    • MHHS staff will maintain ongoing records (e.g. seating plans, people in and out of the school) to assist with contact tracing.

    • The MHHS is open to Emergency Visitors Only. They must report to the office on arrival.

    • The MHHS will minimize the interaction between cohorts where possible.

    • Our schedule has been developed on a quarter system and students will complete the same number of courses as in any given school year.

    • MHHS will manage student traffic flow through entrances and hallways with visual cues such as floor tape, whiteboards and signs.

    • Breaks for cohorts will be staggered to minimize interactions between different cohorts.

    • MHHS will not be open for community use during the day and in evenings.

    • Shared public equipment such as phones have been removed.

    • Shared public furnishings have been removed and students will not be permitted to work in public spaces.

    • MHHS will maintain a “closed campus”. In a closed campus, students will be expected to remain on site until the end of the school day. If students leave the site during the school day, they will not be allowed to return to school that day.

    • Lunch time has been shortened to 30 minutes.

    • Fire Drills/ Hold and Secure Drills will be practiced in a manner to maintain social distancing. In the event of real emergency, moving students out of the school in an expedient manner will take precedence over social distancing


    • MHHS staff will post signs throughout the school and on the school information system encouraging good hand and respiratory hygiene.

    • All staff will use hand sanitizer or wash hands before and after using the photocopier or other shared equipment.

    • Students, staff, and service providers will be required to perform hand hygiene when entering and exiting the school and when moving between areas within the building;

    • Everyone will clean their hands with the provided hand sanitizer or wash their hands for at least 20 sec:

      • When they arrive at school and before they go home.

      • Before and after any transitions within the school setting (e.g. to another classroom, indoor-outdoor transitions).

      • Before eating and drinking.

      • After using the toilet.

      • After playing outside.

      • After sneezing or coughing into hands.

      • Whenever hands are visibly dirty.

      • After touching communal surfaces.

    • In addition, staff will wash hands for at least 20 sec especially in the circumstances below:

      • Before handling food or assisting children with eating.

      • Before and after giving or applying medication or ointment to a child or self.

      • After contact with body fluids (i.e., runny noses, spit, vomit, blood).

      • After cleaning tasks.

      • After removing gloves.

      • After handling garbage.

    • Individuals should cough and sneeze into the crease of the elbow or into a tissue and throw tissues out immediately after use.

    • In situations where physical distancing is not possible (buses, some classrooms) extra emphasis is to be placed on hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, not participating when sick, and cleaning and disinfecting on a regular basis before and after any use is strongly recommended.

    • Students will not be involved in food preparation unless they are in a food preparation course.

    • Everyone will limit their contact with cash and use online payments systems within the school.

    • Students will have access to lockers. Do not leave valuables in locker.

    • Staff and students will leave classroom doors within the school propped open so as to minimize contact with door knobs.

    • Shared equipment will be cleaned between use. Shared items will stay within cohorts where possible.

    • In courses where students must use shared equipment (e.g. CTS/options), students will thoroughly disinfect all equipment before and at the end of the class.

    • Staff have arranged for daily cleaning for all areas of the school. Custodians will washrooms and high-touch surfaces will be cleaned several times a day. Regularly scheduled cleaning will take place when students are not present. Custodians will complete a daily custodian checklist that aligns with AHS recommendations and will give to the school administrator daily.

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

Everyone at MHHS will follow the initiatives for personal protective equipment that have been outlined by Alberta Health. PPE is designed to supplement protocols that help keep everyone safe. (AHS information on masks) All students attending Grades 4 through 12, staff members and visitors must wear a non-medical face mask that covers their mouth and nose while attending an indoor location within a school, unless the student, staff member or visitor:

a. is unable to place, use or remove a non-medical face mask without assistance;

b. is unable to wear a non-medical face mask due to a mental or physical concern or limitation;

c. is consuming food or drink in a designated area;

d. is engaging in physical exercise;

e. is seated at a desk or table

i.within a classroom or place where the instruction, course or program of study is taking place, and

ii.where the desks, tables, and chairs are arranged in a manner

A. to prevent persons who are seated from facing each other, and

B. to allow the greatest possible distance between seated person;

f. is providing or receiving care or assistance where a non-medical face mask would hinder that

caregiving or assistance; or

g. is separated from every other person by a physical barrier.

School administration should be informed of an exemption and should ensure adherence to the other public health measures. It is important that any student, staff member or visitor who is not required to wear a non-medical face mask complies with other personal preventative practices such as frequent hand hygiene and physical distancing as much as possible. Face shields are not considered to be an equivalent to non-medical face masks.

        • Putting a mask on:

          • Masks are to be put on prior to entering an area where 2 m distance cannot be maintained.

          • Do not touch the front of the mask.

          • Remove the mask from the box carefully touching only the outside edge of the mask.

          • Secure elastics around the back of ears.

          • Fit flexible band, if applicable across the bridge of the nose.

          • Fit mask snug to face and below the chin.

          • Wash or sanitize hands.

        • While wearing masks:

          • It is important to ensure that while a mask is being worn, the mask is not compromised in any way making it ineffective.

          • Keep hands away from the mask/face. Do not touch the mask.

          • Do not keep masks around the neck/chin area when not using them.

        • Taking a mask off:

          • Remove gloves, if applicable, before removing the mask.

          • Unhook elastics from behind the ears with fingers.

          • Do NOT touch the front of the mask while removing.

          • Dispose of mask into garbage - do not place on any surface.

          • Wash or sanitize hands after removing the mask.

Exemptions to mask requirements for all teachers and staff in all school settings and students in Grades 4-12 include:

· Persons who are unable to place, use or remove a non-medical face mask without assistance.

· Persons unable to wear a non-medical face mask due to mental or physical concern or limitation.

· Persons consuming food or drink in a designated area.

· Persons engaged in physical exercise.

· Personal providing care or assistance to a person with a disability where a non-medical face mask would hinder that caregiving or assistance.

· Persons engaging in services that require the temporary removal of the non-medical face mask.

· Spaces where physical barriers have been installed between persons.

Masks should not be worn by anyone who is unable to remove the mask without assistance (e.g. due to age, ability or developmental status). School administration should be informed of the exemption and should ensure adherence to the other public health measures.


Alberta Health has designed a self-assessment tool. We are asking that MHHS families use this tool every time that students enter our building. The function of this assessment is for people to recognize when to actively distance themselves in order to protect others around them.

    • Before leaving home, staff and students who will access the school for work or education, must self-screen for symptoms each day that they enter the school using the Self-Screening Checklist. If they answer YES to any of the questions, the individual should not come to the school;

    • The school will screen service providers, including delivery drivers and independent contractors using the screening tool before they enter the school.

      • If they answer YES to any of the questions, the individual will not be admitted into the school;

    • At the start of the school year, parents will be required to provide updated information on student's pre-existing conditions on the registration form. Individuals who have allergies or ongoing health issues and who are exhibiting COVID-like symptoms must be tested at least once prior to the start of school, according to Alberta Health Services Guidelines. Please call or email your child’s school, prior to the first day of classes, to let them know that this testing has been completed and provide evidence of a negative test to the school (Updated 08/20/2020).

    • Schools will place self-assessment information posters around the school and on the student information systems.

    • NO PERSON shall enter the school if they are exhibiting symptoms, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold.

    • The school will post signs on all entrances to “not enter” if you have COVID-19 symptoms, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold.

    • The school will direct anyone that reports symptoms to stay home, to seek health care advice as appropriate (e.g., call Health Link 811, or their primary health care practitioner, or 911 for emergency response), and to fill out the AHS Online Self-assessment Tool to determine if they should be tested.


Students have been scheduled at MHHS so that students will interact with as few people as possible. In order for this intervention to be impactful, MHHS students are expected to remain with their scheduled learning groups throughout the day. Students should support this by minimizing interactions with students from other cohorted groups while school is in session.

    • Because students are cohorted they will not select option courses.

Students will be given the same CTS/Option classes in order to keep cohorts together.

    • In courses where students use shared equipment, students will clean all instruments/equipment during and before the end of the option class period.

    • The school will reduce the opportunities for contact between students from different cohorts during and outside of classes, common areas and washrooms.

    • Cohort seating within classrooms will be in rows whenever possible.

    • Physical education courses will take place outside where possible. Use of shared equipment use will be kept to a minimum.

Physical Distancing

    • Where possible, there will be 2 metres of physical space between desks and desks will be arranged in rows so that students are not facing each other. Seating plans will be created for consistency and tracking purposes. Students desks need to remain in place as per the seating plan.

    • Schools will not be open for athletic competitions. There will be no team sports for at least the fall session.

    • Physical Education class should be held outside when possible.

    • There will be no use of change rooms or lockers.

    • Foot traffic flow through entrances and hallways will be guided by using markers on the floor or pylons/barriers and floor tape.

    • Visual cues will be placed throughout the school to remind students to appropriately physically distance.

    • Student movement around the school will be minimized.

    • Movement breaks will be staggered to reduce the number of students in hallways and common areas.

    • MHHS has a process to limit the number of students using washrooms.

      • All teachers will only allow one student to use the washroom at a time.

      • Recommended maximum of two students in a washroom at a time. If this maximum has been exceeded students will wait outside the washroom.

    • Students will be taught the process for walking in the hallways such as “rules of the road”. Everyone walks on the right and maintains 2m between them and the person ahead.

    • We will strongly discourage physical contact such as handshakes or hugs.

    • Common areas will be closed for student use. In areas such as the “circle” where this is not possible, seating areas will be marked to indicate proper physical distancing.

Responding to Illness

    • Should a student display illness symptoms while at school, we will contact parents immediately for pick-up and isolate the student until parents arrive.

    • Staff in contact with the student will follow the strict guidelines of using PPE and sanitary measures.

    • Students cannot be placed on the bus when sick. If a parent is not able to pick up their child, they must designate an emergency contact who will pick up your student. Within the Alberta Government’s pandemic response, this is a responsibility that families must adhere to.

Demonstrating Clearance to Return to School

    • In order for school re-entry to be successful, all students, families and staff must work together to minimize risks. Please use the COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to determine whether your child needs to be tested for COVID-19. If your child has tested positive for COVID-19, you or your child will not be required to provide a formal document that shows evidence of a negative test result. You are legally required to isolate for a minimum of 14 days if you have tested positive for COVID-19. The isolation period is for 14 days from the start of symptoms, or until symptoms resolve, whichever takes longer. Students can return to school when they have followed the Alberta government’s requirement related to isolation

Students with Pre-Existing Conditions

    • At the start of the school year, parents will be required to provide updated information on student's pre-existing conditions on the registration forms. Individuals who have allergies or ongoing health issues and who are exhibiting COVID-like symptoms must be tested at least once prior to the start of school, according to Alberta Health Services Guidelines.

    • Please call or email your child’s school, prior to the first day of classes, to let them know that this testing has been completed and to notify them of the results if they are negative. A formal document does not need to be provided. Schools will keep a detailed record of this contact. This will establish a baseline for the individual. If symptoms change (worsen, additional symptoms, change in baseline), the individual must stay home and be tested and cleared. Schools will track typical symptoms that may be confused with COVID-19 for students in PowerSchool as they would with other medical conditions.


    • Parents shall not enter the building without an appointment made 24 hours in advance, except in emergency situations, to ensure that the number of additional adults in the building can be minimized at any given time.

    • There will be no non-essential visitors allowed in MHHS.

    • The school will not be open for community use.

    • All essential-service providers and parents who must enter the school must complete the Self Screening Questionnaire before possible entry. If they answer YES to any of the questions, the individual will not be admitted to the school and should not attempt to enter the school.

    • There will be a sign-in book for essential-service providers that will be completed by administrative assistants to allow for contact tracing if needed.

    • All permitted visitors will remain in the school for as limited a time as possible and will be required to wear a mask at all times, as well as be required to follow all other safety protocols dictated for adults in the building.

    • MHHS will limit face-to-face conversations with parents and others, using technology whenever possible.

    • Teachers will not use in class volunteers or face-to-face guest speakers.


      • MHHS will not be open for competitions. School assemblies and other large gatherings will be avoided. All field trips and activities that require group transportation will not be organized. Holiday events, performances, assemblies or celebrations will not be scheduled.

      • Extracurricular activities (e.g. fine arts performances, clubs, etc.), including sports practices and teams, will be postponed at this time to maintain physical distancing and cohort guidelines.

In-Class Learning

      • All students will be responsible for bringing their school supplies that will be given by the school.

      • All students are recommended to bring their own learning devices.

o Grade 12 Diploma Exams in this scenario are required by the province and will continue to count as 30 percent of the student’s final diploma course mark.

Supporting Students Who Require Individual/Specialized Support and/or Medically Fragile Students

    • TTED will maintain learning opportunities for students specific to their Individualized Program Plan (IPP) by using a variety of approaches. Students with exceptional learning needs will continue to be included in the learning of the whole classroom with support. Educational assistants, learning support teachers, and others who provide learning support, as much as possible, will work with a designated cohort of students as defined above.

    • The school will limit service-provider support to consultations with learning support teachers and/or classroom teachers Students with exceptional and/or diverse learning needs:

§ EAs, Learning Support Teachers, and others providing learning supports, as much as possible, will work with a designated cohort of students as defined above.

    • Continuity of education will be provided to all students. Teachers will support students to work from home as per typical practices when a student is ill and must remain at home, but is still able to complete school work.

    • When possible, tests will be taken live with the class using video conferencing tools. Students may at times be asked to come to a designated writing centre to complete an assessment (e.g. Diploma exams).

Food/Eating Lunch on Campus

    • Breakfast/lunch programs will be redesigned to provide food in a manner that meets the current health directives.

    • The breakfast program will create individual packaged food items for students. Common items e.g. toaster will not be used. Food served by staff rather than students picking up their own food.

    • Students will not be permitted to use gathering areas for lunch.

    • Students should bring a lunch/snack that does not require a lot of preparation as microwaves will not be available for student use.

    • Food provided by the family should be stored with the student’s belongings.

    • Students should practice physical distancing while eating.

    • Cafeteria dining tables have been removed/rearranged to maintain physical distancing or place signs on tables/chairs that are not to be used to maintain physical distancing.

    • Markings have been placed on floors to maintain a physical distancing of 2 metres.

    • Adapt other areas to serve as additional dining space to increase spacing among persons in the same room.

    • Students will have pre-packaged meals.

    • Dispense cutlery, napkins and other items to students, rather than allowing them to pick up their own items.