Links to Online Learning

Google Classroom

Google Classroom Page: Go to and enter your class code.

You can also go to your Google Classroom by signing in to your student email account and clicking the Google Classroom link your teacher sent you.

Gmail (Tsuut'ina Email)

Go to and sign in with your Tsuut'ina student email and password.

Here you can check your messages and see updates for Google Classroom.

Google Classroom Tutorial

Hello students!

Please watch this video tutorial on how to use Google Classroom. You will need to sign in using your Tsuut'ina email account.

How to Submit Google Assignments on Google Classroom

Google Slides Assignments

Please watch this video tutorial on how to submit Google Slides assignments on Google Classroom.

Google Docs Assignments

Please watch this video tutorial on how to submit Google Docs assignments on Google Classroom.

Google Forms & Quizzes

Please watch this video tutorial on how to submit Google Forms assignments and quizzes on Google Classroom.

How to Set up Google Apps for iPads & Tablets

Please watch this video tutorial on how to submit Google Forms assignments and quizzes on Google Classroom.

Attendance Surveys

We are currently accepting surveys for attendance from students and parents/guardians. If you are interested in participating in the attendance survey, please complete the Attendance Survey (Students) or the Attendance Survey (Parents and Guardians) through the following page: Attendance Surveys