
Participant ePortfolios are posted below.

Support and feedback on the ePortfolio component of the Teknologia Project is ongoing; participants are sharing their ePortfolios in process.

Reflection Cues

Here is a list of reflection cues to help guide ePortfolio development. Please note that these cues are not a recipe for a successful ePortfolio. They are cues to spark reflection, guide you toward more divergent thinking, and identify areas for further learning.

What have you collected?

Media (Sounds, videos, photos, creations are vital to an ePortfolio. Put them or link them in!)

Ideas; What new ideas do you have?

Questions; What questions fuel your learning?

Understandings; What knowledge and/or skill do you have now?

Hopes / Aspirations; What will you create?

Who are you?

Add an (or add to) the "About Me" section. Here is a document for use with students to help get you started.

How do you learn best? How have you learned over the past month?

What does Creation | Learning | Joy mean to you?

Who are you?

Add an (or add to) the "About Me" section. Here is a document for use with students to help get you started.

How do you learn best? How have you learned over the past month?

Working in regional teams is key to the goal of creating a community of learning.

What have learned from/with your team?

What have you created for/with your team?

What is my conception of computer science?

What computer science connections can be made to the learning you have done? What about the learning you have left to do?

What is the relationship between me and my learning?

How do we create a culture of learning?

What essential components need to be present to get the desired learning?

Why share what we know?

How do we do it in a way that makes us and others want to learn more?