Student Evaluation

Student Evaluation :

Evaluation Scale

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = 0-59%

Determination of the final grades:

All subjects receive standard letter grades which follow the above scale. Select daily work, quizzes, and tests will be recorded. This selected work will be averaged in the Power School grade book.

Subjective grading:

All subjects allow for subjective grading by the teacher. This means that a child who has greatly improved may earn a higher grade even though by the grading scale standards he/she falls below the higher grade. Subjective grading includes: creative writing, special projects, effort, neatness, promptness, improvement, preparation, and attendance.


The classroom instruction cannot be duplicated at home, so it is vital that students attend school. Read-alouds, group discussions, experiments, group projects, individual or group problem solving, Eno board activities, video clips, field trips, guest speakers, etc., cannot be made up at home.


Students will be permitted up to 1 day per absence after returning to complete the missed work. The student will not be penalized for late work due to an absence.

Grades Posted Online:

Grades will be posted as quickly as possible after assignment has been turned in or test has been taken. Some assignments or test postings could be delayed. When there are assignments or tests that need to be reviewed, retaken, made up by absent students it can cause a delay.