2nd Grade Expectations

Classroom Rules

School Hours and Attendance

The school day at Wea Elementary begins at 8:50 and ends at 3:30. Children are to be in their

classrooms by 9:00 am in order to not be counted tardy. Should your child need to miss school, you are asked

to call the OFFICE as soon as possible. (If you call before school hours, please leave a message with your

child’s name, your name and the name of your child’s teacher.) If you know ahead of time that your child will

be absent on a subsequent day(s), please provide a note to the school alerting us of the upcoming absence.

General Dismissal Procedures 

One of the most important aspects of your child’s day is having a smooth transition from school to

home or daycare. Communication between home and school ensures that your wishes for dismissal be

carried out. Changes to your standard dismissal routine, such as being picked up by a different adult,

not riding the bus or riding on a different bus, staying for after school activities, etc. require a note to

me or a call to the office by a parent or guardian.

We cannot accept a verbal version of the change from your child or from someone other than the

parent or guardian. If we have not heard from you, we must follow your standard procedure. A

parent or guardian may call the office (instead of sending a note) and I will be informed of the change in

routine from office staff. Please make you call as early in the day as possible to help dismissal

run smoothly.

2-Hour Delay Days

If school should be delayed due to weather, or other circumstances, students will attend

school from 10:50 until their normal dismissal time. (Please note: Breakfast is NOT served on delay days.)


Weather permitting; Students will have DAILY outside recess. Please dress your child for the weather.