Other Information


Snack time will be during our 2nd afternoon recess (2:10 - 2:30pm). Students can bring in a store-bought or single serving item in a zippered bag. If snacks are being sent in for the whole class, they MUST be store-bought and individually wrapped (fruit snacks, crackers, granola and cereal bars). Please do not send snacks that need refrigeration.

Breakfast & Lunch

Students will only have one breakfast choice, no options. If your student is ordering breakfast, please let me know. Also let me know the frequency with which they will be eating breakfast (daily, occassionally). For lunch, students will have one hot and one cold lunch choice. There will be no other options as these are prepackaged. First grade lunch and recess is from 11:35 - 12:25. Students do not have access to microwaves to heat lunches.

Water Bottles

Drinking fountains are available in our school for use. If you prefer to send a water bottle with your child, that is also OK. Please be sure it is a squirt bottle type that has a non-spill type lid. Only water will be permitted in the classroom. 


Birthday treats will be served during our snack time. Treats should be prepackaged and easy to pass out. If sending a prepackaged treat is not possible, we can find other ways to celebrate your child's birthday. Also, to avoid hurt feelings, please do not send party invitations for your child to pass out at school.