Class Updates

 In class:

We just finished our first week of ILEARN!  Our ELA tests are completely finished, we just have Math and Science left.  Whew!  Thank you for helping your child prepare this week - they have come in well-rested and ready to go.  I appreciate your help with this.  Three more days of testing and we are done!

In addition to an author visit from Kelly DiPucchio, visits from Mrs. Marshall, and our March Madness projects, there have been some fun STEM activities in class lately.  For our laser mazes, we studied symmetry, types of angles/how to measure them, what angles of incidence and reflection are, and how light is reflected or absorbed.  It was my first year doing the project, and I will definitely be adding it to my curriculum in the future.  Check out some of the "aMAZing" mazes below!  Ask your child how they set up their maze and if it was successful.  

Our Famous Hoosier project is wrapping up, and the wax museum will be on Tuesday, April 30th from 3:15 - 3:45 in the BCE cafe.  Come see all of the hard work that has gone into our project!

Turkey Run is right around the corner!  Our class will be heading to the park on May 9th.  Please watch the weather so your child will be dressed appropriately.  Rain or shine, we will go.  They will also need a lunch that can go in a string backpack.  There are no garbage cans in the park, so they will need to carry any trash in there.

Our class play, Pirates from Grammar Island has a date (May 15th), but no times yet.  I am waiting on Mr. Ridenour for some planning details.  As soon as I get the information, I will let you know.  Thank you for your flexibility as we wrap up this amazing school year!

 Parent Notes:

Upcoming important dates:

Our classroom has an Amazon wishlist that you can find HERE.   Thank you for supporting our learning!

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