Kindergarten Performances

Montoya Oh Christmas Tree.webm

Mrs. Montoya's class singing Oh Christmas Tree

Mrs. Daubenmeier's class sings We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Daubenmeier We Wish You *.webm
Lyons Must Be Santa.webm

Can you sing along with Mrs. Lyons' class singing Must Be Santa? This is one of my (and I think their) favorites!

Mrs. Kelly's class sings a VERY familiar song to lots of you, I'm sure! Enjoy Into the Unknown!

Kelly Home Into the Unknown.webm
Raub Do You Want To Build.webm

Mrs. Raub's class sings Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Again, I think the whole family be able to sing along with this one!

Mrs. Winstead's class sings and plays I Have a Little Snowman. This is tricky to play and they did a great job!

Winstead I Have a Little Snowman.webm
Maddox A Chubby Little Snowman.webm

Mrs. Maddox's class performing A Chubby Little Snowman. We got to record this on pajama day!