What's the BUZZ about 5th grade?

What’s the BUZZ about 5th grade?


 Fifth grade is a big year. This year will be a year of responsibility and transition. Your child will be the oldest students at school and are role models for our younger students. We will begin the year as elementary students and mature into well-rounded middle school students. One of our goals this year will be to develop and nurture as much responsibility as possible along the way. It is my hope that your child will become more self sufficient and that you both feel prepared for the jump into middle school.

Mayflower Mill Pledge

I am enough

I have influence

I am a genius

I have contributions to make

I have a gift others need

My actions define my impact

I am the change

I matter, you matter, we matter

The Mill matters


We will state the pledge every morning during the announcements.


Character traits

As a class and a school we will focus on the following character traits with lessons and attention to the following:









Our Goal this Year

In the classroom we will investigate, question, think, communicate, synthesize, and learn. We will apply the best effort we can toward all things. We will not give up, and we will ask for help.



You can always contact me at school. During the day, please leave a message on my voicemail and I will contact you as soon as possible. The school phone number is 538-3875 and my extension is 5781.

  You can also contact me via email at kmdeboy@tsc.k12.in.us. I check my email regularly, so this is the easiest way for you to communicate with me and to get a quicker response.

 I also maintain a website. Please go to www.tsc.k12.in.us. You will the go to "our schools" and select Mayflower Mill. You will then select Mrs. Deboy and click on my web page. 

 Newsletters: I publish/email a newsletter every Sunday. It has the activities and homework we will have for the week. I also include special dates, requests, and other announcements.


 Specials Schedule

 *You may keep gym shoes at school. If you choose not to, make sure students wear tennis shoes during the quarter that we have gym.

 *Please bring library books to school on the day we have library. 

Quarter 1: Art and library on Friday

Quarter 2: Music and library on Tuesday

Quarter 3: Gym and library on Monday

Quarter 4: Computers and library on Wednesday

Every Morning “What to do’s”

 1.      Empty and hang your backpack in your assigned locker.

2.    Turn in homework to the proper place.

3.    Use the restroom if needed.

4.    Sharpen 2-3 pencils and organize desk.

5.    Complete Morning Work.

6.   Read a book from the library or classroom library.

7.    Be ready to have an AWESOME day 



What is expected of our 5th graders?

1      Have a positive attitude toward others.

2    Listen to what others have to say.

3.    No put downs whatsoever of any kind.

4.    Be a caring, respectful and honest person.

5.    Make well thought out choices.

6.    Do your best!



When poor choices are made

        *1st offense will result in a warning.

        *2nd offense will result in a loss of Dojo points.

      * 3rd offense will result in loss of Dojo  points and loss of recess.

     * 4th offense will result in a loss of Dojo points, loss of recess and a phone call home.

*5th offense will result in the student being sent to Mrs. Cauble's office. A parent will be notified by phone as soon as possible.


*******Students may be sent to the office without following these steps depending on the offense.



Miscellaneous Information

        We eat lunch at 12:20 each day.

 Your child may bring a daily snack to have in the morning since we eat lunch early in the day.