My Classroom Procedures/Discipline

Edwards’ Classroom Procedures/Discipline


1. Unpack book bag and hang in locker.

2. Greet my teacher and classmates in the room.

3. Check in for attendance and lunch count.

4. Turn in homework to appropriate tray.

5. Begin morning exercises.

Entering and Leaving Room:

1. Line up quietly and walk to the door.

2. Walk down the hall in a straight, single file line keeping hands and feet to myself.

3. Leave displays in hallway alone.


1. Ask permission by showing the “bathroom name tag”.

2. Attach bathroom name tag to wall.

3. Return quickly and quietly.

4. Return bathroom name tag to desk.


1. Gather all materials as I will not be able to return to the room.

2. Line up quickly and quietly after monitor gives signal.

3. Pass to room quietly and prepare for next subject.


1. Using Behavior Chart student will exhibit behavior to earn to move clip up (positive) or down (negative) from Ready to Learn (Responsible Citizen).

2. Treat will be given for moving to Star Citizen and signing BOSS book for earning True Patriot. Off the chart earns $10 for the Quarter Auction.

3. Behavior mark given if moved to Ticket Time, 2 behavior marks and parent notification for Unlawful Citizen.

4. If negative behavior continues conference with student, teacher and parents.

5. Conferences with principal to follow school plan.