Grading Policy

Grading Policy – 3rd Grade

Mrs. DeFreese

Each child is evaluated and given a grade based on their academic performance in class.  There are often other factors such as responsibility, neatness of work, participation, effort, and attitude that will be included in each child’s grade.  

Selected daily assignments are graded and based on a percentage according to the number of items on the page or paper.  These scores are averaged equally with tests, quizzes, and project grades during the nine week period.  This method is used in all subject areas.

The following grading scale is used on all assignments:

90%-100% A

80%-89% B

70%-79% C

60%-69% D

59% and below F


Most work is typically done at school; however, any sent home is due the following day an assignment is given unless otherwise specified.  In addition, students should expect to read for AR, practice spelling words, and math facts nightly.  Responsibility is a key issue in 3rd grade; therefore, students will stay in for recess if an assignment is not completed on time.  A grade will result in a zero if the child ultimately neglects to complete the assignment.  If a problem becomes of this, the parent will likely be asked to sign daily work and return to school the next day.  I will communicate any problems I feel need to be addressed.

Homework Grades

Homework grades in PowerSchool will be comprised of the following:

-informal daily assessments (post it note check for understanding, etc.)

-weekly quizzes

-unit tests

-AR comprehension quizzes

-daily skill practice

Friday Folders

All graded papers from the week will be sent home on Fridays.  I ask that you take this great opportunity to share your child’s work with him/her as it is a very beneficial way to stay in tune with your child’s education.


Make-up work is due of a student the number of days after he/she was absent, based on the number of days missed.  I will gladly send homework the day of the absence with a sibling if I receive an email or call in advance.  If numerous days are missed, this may reflect the student’s grade at the nine week grading period.