1st-5th - Grades are based on the following scale.

90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D

Below 60% = F

Kindergartners - Students do not receive traditional letter grades.  They will be formally assessed each 9 weeks for report card purposes and will get a 1, 2, 3, or 4 based on the above percentages. Skills are evaluated by both assessments and observation.

Who give grades? - Students who come for direct instruction in reading and math will receive those grades solely from me.  Students who are considered consult, will receive their grades from their general education teacher.  Powerschool will either say my name or their general education teacher's name next to the subject to indicate who inputs the grades.  

Goal Monitoring - Students' IEP goals will be monitored throughout the school year.  This information will be sent home each 9 weeks.

Questions - The best way to contact me with any questions is by email: clbishop@tsc.k12.in.us