Parent   Handbook

Attendance, Arrival, and Dismissal:

 If your child is planning on missing several days, please let me know in advance and I can arrange for you to have your child’s work. Please remember that attendance is important.  Everyday new material is introduced.

 If your child is to go home with someone other than a parent, please send a note to school.  To ride home with someone else on the bus, your child needs a note from home stating who and what bus number, in order to receive a bus pass to be allowed to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop.


In order to locate our class webpage, follow these instructions:

~ Go to

~ Go to Visit Our Schools at the top of the page

~ Click on James Cole Elementary

~ Click on Staff Info at top of the page

~ Scroll down and find my name Mrs. Lord

~ Click on my name and it will take you to our class webpage



 Parent-Teacher conferences are held in October and February.  All parents are expected to attend.  You will be given more information as each date draws closer.  If you feel that you need to talk to me concerning your child, please do not hesitate to notify me.  Please call the office and they will put you through to me or you can leave me a message.  I also do a lot with the REMIND app. This is where I will text parents and this opens up communication to where I am always available at a text message.  Either way, we will find a time to discuss your concerns.  The best time for me is before school.  As tempting as it might be to ‘drop in’ please understand I may not be able to accommodate you at that particular time.  You can also e-mail me with any concerns at




 Most days, students will be allowed a working 10-15 minutes snack time. Students may not bring candy, cookies, chips, or other foods of minimal nutritional value. Good snacks to bring include crackers, low fat string cheese, fruit, or vegetables. Please only send a single serving (not a whole box of crackers). Students may keep at bottle water at their desks throughout the day, as long as the top is “spill-proof”.  



 Please make sure your child comes to school prepared with the required supplies and replenish them throughout the year, if needed. Students are required to get their agenda notebook signed every night. Students are not allowed to bring toys, electronics, or supplies other than those on the supply list without teacher permission. 

 If your child will be bringing a phone it must be turned off (not on silent) and kept in the backpack at all times. 




Every week students will have the following homework:


Parent Portal:

 Parents can view daily grades and attendance on the Parent Portal. Please check parent connection weekly, and contact me immediately if there is a concern.



5th grade students are tested in all subject areas. The window begins in April and ends in May. I will send out exact dates as soon as I know them, they are typically scheduled the end of March. Please keep these dates in mind when scheduling vacations, trips, doctors, or dentist appointments. 


Planner/ Agenda:

Students will record homework assignments every day. Please check and initial daily. This is a requirement for my class. 



 Assignments may be corrected for a passing grade with a signature from the parent or guardian.


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