
This year students will have their own Chromebook to use in the classroom. Rules and procedures will be established. Here are a few:

1. Chromebooks stay at school and are for school use only.

2. Use your Chromebook in the classroom when instructed to use it.

3. Know your goal/objective when using the Chromebook.

4. “Lower the lid” when the teacher/presenter is talking.

5. Only use as instructed.

· Only use your Chromebook in the classroom, at your own desk.

· Do not change settings or download anything unless instructed to do so.

· Comments/chat conversations must be school appropriate and connected to the lesson.

· Only play school approved games when given permission to play.

6. Take care of your Chromebook.

· Wash hands before using your Chromebook.

· Always have a clean/clear desk-top.

· Water bottles must stay on the floor.

7. Transition responsibly with your Chromebook.

· ALWAYS carry your Chromebook with TWO hands.

· When carrying your Chromebook, WALK to and from the cart.

· Chromebook must be kept flat on your own desk at all times once taken out..

· Plug in your Chromebook when you return it to the cart.

Students will have consequences if they do not follow rules.