When in High School


RCC College NOW ~ RCC offers college credit for selected high school courses. New starting the 23-24 school year there are Friday classes offered to TRSD students.  Check here to see what College Now classes are offered at your school! 

ASPIRE Oregon ~ ASPIRE Oregon is a mentoring program that matches trained and supportive adult volunteer mentors with high school students to develop a plan to help them meet their education goals beyond high school.  

Today's students may not have the good fortune to have someone to help them figure out what to do after high school, let alone the myriad of education and training options. If you have a desire to help students explore college options, admissions, and financial aid, ASPIRE is for you. Become one of our trained and supportive adult volunteer mentors and work one-on-one with students throughout the year. 

Project Gap ~ Provides one-to-one mentoring and additional supports as needed for students.  

Project Youth+ ~ Promotes healthy youth development, academic excellence, and college preparation for students, especially those who face life challenges. Partnership Youth+ is an evidence-based program for engaging bright young people in typically under-served populations. Eligible students will be enrolled in any of our programs, based on whether they meet eligibility requirements, and if there is space available. Students are pre-screened by Partnership Youth+ and then invited to apply to their program.  There is a PY+ Representative at each high school.

Oregon Goes to College ~ Follow step by step instructions for each grade level.

Wells Fargo CollegeSTEPS ~ A guide developed by Wells Fargo for students/families who want to attend college.


UofO Summer Academy to Inspire Learning - SAIL 2022~ Series of workshops for high school students interested in attending college.

Siskiyou Field Institute 

Outdoor School For ALL ~ Workshop for student leaders at Siskiyou Field Institute

Northwest Youth Corps

Summer camp programs, day trips, and week long adventures for students

Home Page for Northwest Youth Corps 

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." 

                    ~ Jackson Brown, Jr. 


Job Corps                                                                        OYCP



Students graduating HS are required to complete 24 credits. 

Classes taken senior year are: Career Development (future forum or college prep), Economics, Government. 

Classes taken junior year are: Health 2 (though some take this senior year) and US History.

Classes taken sophomore year: World History

Classes taken freshman: Health 1

Science is taken for the first three years, as well as Math. Science is not required to be in any particular order, but Math must progress. 

English is taken all four years.

3 Rivers School District requires 1.0 credits of Career Development & 5.0 Other Subjects for a total of 24 credits to graduate.

ESSENTIAL SKILLS - Have been postponed by the Oregon Governor due to Covid 19 restrictions.

Students are required to pass the Oregon statewide assessments. Below are links that explain how students can pass those. They are required to pass MATH, ENGLISH, and WRITING. 

  - Information on ESSENTIAL SKILLS 

  - Two articles that expand on how Statewide Assessments relate to college and career readiness -

    - Higher Standards, Stronger Minds- What are Oregon's College- and Career- Ready Standards?

    - Higher Standards, Quality Instruction, and Better Tests- Raising the Bar for all Oregon Students.