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Mrs. Barnes

Elementary Library Media Program 

Digital Reading .pdf

Digital Reading Resources

  Welcome to Troy's Elementary Library Media Page! 

         Visit our Online Catalog for some great new books and ebooks! Here's what we're doing in library this year...

 Informational Literacy is all about locating, using and presenting information. There are so many ways to present something new.  Here are a few tools that we use for research and presenting our findings:

Library Symbaloo

Where is Mrs. Barnes??? Call me at (518)328-5628 

Meet our wonderful Staff:

I met the author, Steve Sheinken at the New York State Literacy Conference and took a selfie. It was awesome and he lives right in Saratoga!

Author Visits:

Daniel Jude Miller 

Coleen Paratore

Ty Allan Jackson

Big THANK YOU TO Troy Pioneer Bank for funding Ty's  books for the  all students in grades 3-5 to start the year off promoting a love for READING!


5th and 6th graders from the Middle School will be working on creating a product and a business proposal as if they were planning to pitch their idea to the entrepreneurs on the TV show, Shark Tank. Students will present their ideas to a panel of judges with their new inventions/products and business plan . 

Research and Collaboration:

Students will be researching aspects of digital citizenship from Common Sense Media to create their own IMovies to teach their peers about the importance of being a digital citizen in the 21st Century

The Impact of Strong School Library Programs: 

Created by Michelle Emma-Barnes, Elementary Media Specialist