Full Time Remote Option

This page has been developed to provide further details on the Full-Time Remote Option. This is the option that will be available for families to enroll their children in to keep them in a fully remote learning model when the district is in a Hybrid or Full In-Person model. We will continue to update this page as more details of the model are confirmed, and use this as our primary location to provide all updates to those families who have selected this option.

It is important to note that this is NOT the plan for remote days for students under a Hybrid model. The information about what can be expected on remote days for students in that model can be found on the Hybrid Model Page.

Full-Time Remote Option:

The Department of Education requires all districts to identify a Full-Time Remote Option for parents/guardians who determine that a hybrid or full return is not the right choice for their student(s). Families may select this option for many different reasons, and there is no specific reason required to choose this optional plan. The State is continuing to develop resources to assist districts in offering this additional choice for parents. As such, there are still some details of this plan that remain under development.

The Full-Time Remote Option is for those families who are looking to commit their students to a fully remote education. This optional plan is not for those who may become ill with either a routine illness or COVID illness, or those required to quarantine because of the diagnosis of a close contact. Those situations would require remote learning, but would be coordinated on a case by case basis as the need arises.

The remote option will require a formal process to be enrolled in this plan. While families will not be locked into the plan for the entire year, those that select this fully remote option when we are in an In-Person or Hybrid model will be required to give a two (2) week notice before transitioning back into the district model. This timing will allow the corresponding educator to work with the student to coordinate the pacing of curriculum delivery to ensure the most effective transition back into the general classroom.

The formal enrollment process for the Full-Time Remote Option has been in process for several weeks. If you have not previously noted your interest in this program via past surveys and wish to find out more, please contact our Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Anna Bates directly at Anna.Bates@tritonschools.org.

Full-Time Remote Option Plan Overview

Grades K-6

For elementary students, the remote classes will be supported by a Triton teacher, but will likely not be a student's currently assigned teacher prior to the transition. Initial interest in this option has generated enough students to create grade level classes with students from all three elementary schools combined. With a fully remote class, location is not important so we are able to have a single grade level teacher working with a class of students from all three schools. We will be offering a remote class for each grade level, K - 6, and classes will not combine grade levels. Students will have a fixed schedule, participate in synchronous and asynchronous learning, and frequent check-ins with classroom teachers. Students will participate in specials (Art, music, PE, etc) as they normally would in the traditional setting. This will be similar to the current remote model in place since the start of the 2020/2021 school year, since the students and teachers will be a single, cohesive cohort like a traditional elementary class.

Triton Middle School: Grades 7 & 8

For middle school students, the remote classes will be supported by an Triton educator. A teacher will be assigned to each of the core content areas, similar to the current traditional model in place at the middle school. Classes will likely combine grades 7 & 8 based on the numbers participating, but the educators will be delivering all students their specific grade level content and standards. As in the elementary model, the assigned teacher will likely not be a student's current teacher. Students will have a fixed schedule, participate in synchronous and asynchronous learning, be fully aligned to district programming, and will have frequent check-ins with classroom teachers. Students will participate in Unified Arts (Art, music, PE, etc) as they normally would in the traditional middle school setting. This will be similar to the current remote model in place since the start of the 2020/2021 school year, since the students and teachers will be assigned to content specific classes with Triton teachers like a traditional middle school class.

Triton High School: Grades 9 - 12

For high school students, the breadth of programming offered to at this level makes for a much more challenging situation to replicate remotely for a smaller number of students. While we reviewed the options similar to the elementary and middle school above where we utilized Triton educators to provide the remote option, we simply don't have the number of educators available to replicate all the varied required and elective classes that we offer to students.

For that reason, we have partnered with the Florida Virtual School (FLVS) to allow students to access the courses on their current schedule through the FLVS online platform. The course content is aligned with the MA curriculum frameworks and will be overseen by a Triton Educator. The pacing of the courses will be adjusted, when possible, to reflect that of the hybrid/in-person cohort. Students will have access to a full suite of course content and a largely self-directed schedule. Aside from an assigned Triton educator, or "coach" that will monitor each student's progress, all students will also have access to Triton educators assigned to assist with the technical support and enrollment on the platform, as well as content specific educators who will be available as a resource for students. d


In July, the Commissioner of Education released reopening guidance for schools. Part of that guidance included the option of purchasing student licenses for a Learning Management System with full course content. This option was recommended for districts with staffing concerns and those with individual students/families who are interested in a fully remote option for a longer period of time.

By working with FLVS, Triton students will have access to a variety of course content and levels, including honors and AP, to help mirror their current schedules. While FLVS is a public school in which students can enroll, Triton is only using the course content, with our own educators to facilitate the learning process. Triton teachers will be provided with training and support so students may continue with uninterrupted instruction in a new environment.

For questions about any of these options for your child(ren), please contact the District's Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Anna Bates, at Anna.Bates@tritonschools.org.

The slides from the Presentation on Tuesday, September 29th are included below.

Full-Time Remote Option.pdf