Registration Information and Form


Enrollment of each child must satisfy the following requirements: 

1. Children must be between three and five years of age by August 31 of the  participating school year. Children that turn 3 during the first semester may be  accepted into the program based on availability. 

2. Children must be potty trained. 

3. Medical History Form: 

a. Immunization record 

i. All children in our program must be fully immunized for their  appropriate ages.

The annual wellness visit to a physician is a recommended time for verifying that your child is up to date with immunizations. Evidence of your child's proper immunization must be submitted before the first day of class. Children who are not properly immunized will be excluded from the program and will not be allowed to enter until evidence of immunization is provided. 

ii. Parents who choose not to have their child immunized are required to present   appropriate exemption documentation.  

Children whose parents choose not to have them immunized will be excluded promptly if a vaccine-preventable disease occurs in the community.  

b. Food or other allergies 

c. Special medical conditions or concerns 

d. Daily medications taken 

4. Physician’s report of child’s physical examination within 12 months of attending the  Trinity Preschool program. 

5. Emergency Contact/Parental Consent Form: This form must be on file with the FCS teacher, school nurse, and pupil services office. 

a. Parent/Guardian Name 

b. Address 

c. Phone Number 

d. Work Hours 

e. Work Phone Number 

f. Child’s Physician 

g. Physician Phone Number 

h. Health Insurance Carrier and Policy Number 

i. Emergency Contact if Parent/Guardian Unavailable 

j. Relationship to Parent/Guardian 

k. Phone Number of Emergency Contact 

i. It is the parent's responsibility to update the family’s emergency contact  numbers as needed. 

6. Custody: Any document issued by the court, such as a “no contact order” or “joint  custody order” should be on file with the FCS teacher. 

7. Parental consent is given through a signed statement accepting philosophy and  procedures of the child development laboratory. This consent also applies to  photographing, videotaping, and assessment of children for educational and  program planning purposes. 

If you are interested in the program please Complete the google form below.

Trinity Preschool Registration Form

If you experience difficulties viewing the form, please email

Once you submit your form you will receive an email from the FCS teachers to confirm your enrollment.

Once the Child is accepted to the program the following documents will need to be submitted prior to the start of the program