
Each family is asked to partner with Trinity in the following:

Weekly Worship: It is expected that all confirmands and their families are regularly found in worship. To assist the confirmands engagement in worship, we ask that 15 sermon summaries be turned into Pastor Gadbaw each year (can be given to the teacher or placed directly in Pastor Gadbaw’s mailbox in the atrium). This includes all 5th - 8th grade students in confirmation and can be done on the sermon handout provided in worship or the summary sheets available outside both worship spaces.

Regular Class Attendance: It is expected that confirmands and their families are attending bible studies. For 5th - 8th grade students this is their regular confirmation class; for others in the family it is expected that they are engaged in spiritual growth through regular bible study.

Memory Work: God’s Word invites us to hide His Word in our hearts so that we are free from sin (Psalm 119:11). Memory work is a skill that requires the partnership of the Christian home so that God’s Word is always present in the heart and life of the Christian. While we might always be able to pull up a reference on our phone, placing God’s Word interjects it into our everyday lives so that we look more like Jesus in how we live. Each week will provide memory work for the family to diligently place in the heart of the Christian. (5th Grade; 6th Grade; 7th Grade; 8th Grade)

Service Projects: It is expected that the confirmation family serves together. We ask that you complete two service projects each year of confirmation and submit a summary to Pastor Gadbaw.

Junior Youth: It is also expected that confirmation families participate in other activities that are provided for them such as: confirmation retreats, youth activities, and service projects. Visit Trinity Youth page for up-to-date information.

8th Grade Only: It is expected that those who wish to be confirmed should be able to coherently express their faith and why it is important to them. This will be done through the development of their individual confirmation stole (first half of the year) and their statement of faith (second half of the year). They should also be prepared to express why they need to continue to grow in the Christian faith through ongoing involvement in the church as they grow in wisdom and stature before God and man which will be shared with the congregation on Confirmation Sunday. As they confess the Christian faith as their own, they will also be expected to say the Apostles’ Creed from memory during the rite of confirmation.
- Fill out Confirmation Application (this should be done before work on the faith statement so they know what their confirmation verse will be)

In all these things, we understand that every family is different and there may need to be an opportunity to specialize the process for you. Please contact Pastor Gadbaw to make these arrangements and for clarification of the confirmation expectations. May we all continue to be a family growing together, learning God’s Word, serving our neighbor to witness Christ’s love.