Tigers as Partners

Engaging Pedagogy Through Collaboration

Spirit of Collaboration:

Tigers as Partners is a program built around the collaboration between educators and students. Each intern is carefully selected from a group of their peers to establish a well-prepared team. This team then coordinates not only with their faculty partner, but with each other, creating a network of cooperation amongst each other. 

A Focus on Pedagogy:

Each undergraduate student intern is carefully trained to assist their partners' growth as instructors. The student intern has access to a large amount of pedagogical practices which their faculty partner can benefit from. Our interns go even further beyond, as they have the tools to research the academic needs of their faculty partner. Each intern brings something new and interesting to the table! 

Professional Development:

Tigers as Partners can help develop Educators' craft of teaching and better attune themselves to best pedagogical practices. Educators gain assistance from student partners who aid their professional growth via insights on their coursework. Simultaneously, students gain multiple soft and hard skills that will prepare them for their future careers in whatever fields they pursue.