Other Resources

University Resources

Coates Library

The Coates Library is a popular gathering place on campus, and its resources are heavily used. During this current situation, the library will attempt to provide as much of its services and collections to those outside the building as possible. Much of our content is available 24/7 remotely and will continue to be available to those outside the library. If quarantines are established, the administration will determine which campus staff are essential and which can work from home, as well as which buildings will be open.

  • Whether we are open or closed, our liaison librarians will be reachable via email to assist students and faculty, and we will offer reference chat service for more general inquiries.

  • We may be able to provide limited scanning of non-digital materials to provide access to students.

  • We are able to electronically scan your reserve readings to facilitate access for your students, and are happy to do so. If you'd like to take advantage of this, please contact either Jason Hardin (jhardin@trinity.edu, x8181) or Jen Marshall (jmarsha3@trinity.edu, x8183) as soon as possible with the following information:

        • Title of the book(s), and specific chapters or page ranges you will need scanned; and

        • Date range at which each reading should be made available. (Because we anticipate a very large and sudden workload as a result of this and because of the limits of Fair Use, please note that we will probably be unable to scan entire works at once.)

We will then share the .pdf file directly with you for posting on TLearn or sharing via email with your students.

  • We can also investigate purchasing e-versions of key monographs that are needed immediately and are investigating the possibility of providing e-access to certain textbooks. We will update you as we learn more in that area.

  • Interlibrary loan will likely be able to provide e-versions of articles, though a lack of staffing at other libraries may make it more difficult to find suppliers.

Building hours/access: To protect the health of our users and staff, Coates Library will be closed to all but staff who work in the building, beginning Friday, March 20. Many of our holdings can be accessed online. You may, however, request physical items for retrieval and pick-up at designated times. Please click here for information on how to check out physical items.

Services: The Services for Off-Campus Users page has been helpful to both students and faculty working to make the transition to off-campus teaching and learning.

Many publishers are also expanding access to their materials right now for a limited time. Where possible, we're incorporating those offerings into the Library's electronic resources (i.e., One Search).

In light of the situation, the library has also ramped up a project originally slated for the fall: Portal for Research Instruction. While still under development, the idea is to provide tools and strategies for enhancing student learning related to writing literature reviews, citing sources, organizing and visualizing information, and other research-related activities. These tools are intended to meet the needs of a wide range of classes.

In all cases, the safety of our students, faculty, and staff will be paramount in our operations. Visit the library website for more information about resources.

Lightboard Room

The Lightboard Room (CSI 458) is a comprehensive flipped classroom workroom. It is designed for ease of use for faculty who want to incorporate flipped classroom elements (video or audio recordings) into their instruction. The LED-illuminated glass allows the instructor to mark on the Lightboard while maintaining the ability to directly address a camera directly. The method of recording is streamlined to only include a single button and a USB hub. Without having to consider framing and camera operation, the instructor is free to focus on the lesson being recorded. Visit the ITS Service Catalog for more information.

Tiger Learning Commons

The services in the Tiger Learning Commons (Academic Support, QRS Center, Writing Center, and Student Accessibility Services will continue to promote student success in the new paradigm made necessary by the Covid-19 pandemic. We understand that students and faculty will have to make significant adjustments to the structures of teaching and learning and we are available to help with personalized support, tips for managing time and tasks, and other strategies for making the most of this time of adjustment.

Academic Coaching

Appointments for distance coaching can be made here. Students will be sent an invitation to the appointment (Zoom or phone). We are also happy to provide academic support through email. Contact Becca Burt, Academic Coach, rburt@trinity.edu; or Betty Curry, Director for Academic Support, bcurry@trinity.edu. We anticipate that time and task management will be a challenge for many students and helping with that is our specialty!

QRS and Writing Centers

The QRS Center will resume services via Zoom during its regular hours on Monday, March 23. This includes course-specific tutors operating out of the QRS Center. Students can visit the Center by going to the following link: https://trinity.zoom.us/my/qrscenter. Once there, a moderator—either Luke Tunstall, Ph.D., or another tutor on duty—will greet them and place them in the correct breakout room. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Tunstall at stunstal@trinity.edu.

Student Accessibility Services

SAS will continue to support students and professors to ensure equal access to the Trinity experience. Current accommodations will remain active for students already registered with SAS.

Students requesting new or changes to their accommodations will need to schedule an online meeting with an SAS representative via Zoom, Google Meet, or phone. New students to SAS will need to submit an application and supporting documentation via email or fax.

Professors may (and are encouraged to) contact SAS with questions and support in regards to online accessibility and accommodations.

Contact Information:

General Email: sas@trinity.edu

Myeshia Smith, Assistant Director

E: msmith14@trinity.edu P: x7419

Jessica Reyes, Accessibility Specialist

E: jreyes2@trinity.edu P: x7488

Resources Made Available in Response to COVID-19

Neat digital tools and apps

Access our one-stop-shop spreadsheet that contains a list of helpful digital tools and apps

Digital Tools and Apps


Information Resources

Assignments on COVID-19

  • Coronavirus Information Literacy (Josh Wells, via Danya Glabau)

  • Assignment on Campus Closure: Have students read one of the following (very similar) items about how avoiding large gatherings helps to reduce infection rates. Present it in a way that fits your class and have students reflect on how their move online is a responsible one.

Barclay, Eliza. “How Canceled Events and Self-Quarantines Save Lives, in One Chart.” Vox, 10 Mar. 2020, https://www.vox.com/2020/3/10/21171481/coronavirus-us-cases-quarantine-cancellation

Wiles, Siouxsie. “The Three Phases of Covid-19 – and How We Can Make It Manageable.” The Spinoff, 9 Mar. 2020, https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/09-03-2020/the-three-phases-of-covid-19-and-how-we-can-make-it-manageable/